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I'm happy these guys exist!
September 20, 2019

Spamcop should be used by any admin that wants to help fight spam in general. We're all in it together and any report helps. Not sure what the nay-sayers are expecting from a service to report spam to, but I don't think they get what it's for..

Date of experience: September 19, 2019
New Hampshire
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So much for spam cop. This morning I replied to one of our sub-contractor's emails and Spam Cop immediately sent me a message saying I was blocked because of being spam. How do they expect their customers to do business with anyone if they block legitimate emails?

Date of experience: March 22, 2022
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I report all kinds of stupid spam / scam emails through
There are free and paid options that you can use. I usually report scam emails through the free service.

On a side note someone has registered "". Its a small site trying to sell software listed on ebay?

Date of experience: December 3, 2014
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Been using for less than a week, and already, my Spam, which had become totally unmanageable -- 100s each day, including dozens of new ones. Got fewer than 15 all day today. Have purchased few dollars of extra fuel, happily, but don't think I really needed it, although the submissions did speed up a lot. Highly recommend using this site if you're overwhelmed by spam.

Date of experience: March 30, 2015
Marci E.
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Waste of time
August 25, 2017

I've been using the free version of SpamCop for years and have never seen any less spam, quite the opposite (and not blaming Spamcop for this) I am experiencing loads of spam lately. Waste of time, reporting, etc, and when you report through the email they provide, the email come back saying is not spam, when clearly is...

Date of experience: August 25, 2017
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Reporting spam on Spamcop's site doesn't do a single thing to diminish the amount of spam you receive. Sure, the reporting feature appears to work as intended, and does most likely email the relevant providers about spam, but you'll continue to get the same amount of spam from the same sources. Over a period of many months, I've seen increases and decreases in the amount of spam I get on any given day, but continually reporting it on Spamcop hasn't had any impact at all.

Don't bother reporting your spam on Spamcop, because the only thing it does is waste your time.

Date of experience: September 15, 2019
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Follow MrBee B.
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For the average internet user, spamcop is too complex with all those complex instructions is definitely user-unfriendly. I got tons of Canadian pharmacy viagra spam or as they call it unsolicited email and whenever I forward the spam to them I get an error message that no spam was found, well genius, with an email address like ******* sending you VIAGRA spam, what else can it be? I never approved to have sent said spam emails to my address. While tired of the $#*! and trying to report the spam, I found out I already used this service once in the past, since I already had an account. I suddenly remembered I got the same erroneous results back that time too. So basically, I really do not like the site and I don't intend to use it ever again. I'll give it 2 stars for the benefit of a doubt, that once learned it's efficient, but I don't intend to dedicate myself so much to figure out something made so user-unfriendly. It kinda repells me.

Date of experience: May 11, 2018
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For sure, SpamCop has no interest in writing software to direct complaints to the appropriate abuse email addresses that are easily found on the web.
My guess is that SpamCop IT programmers and staff just sit around smoking marijuana all day and at 3:30 pm go zooming to the farthest bar in their brand new Tesla and have sex.
These guys have to be the very laziest people on the planet.
The only report they send is to *******
I found these IP addresses in the report I sent: 194. 72. 6. 62, Both belong to It turns out that actually has a complaint email: *******
SpamCop did not send anything to them.
Very few of the one hundred or so reports I sent showed that SpamCop passed the report to anyone except Well, isn't going to do anything. Their response is always that it isn't their server sending the spam, so they can't do anything about it.

Date of experience: January 28, 2019
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Not really helping...
August 25, 2017

I feel like I am wasting my time. I had better luck before when I used other WHOIS websites and contacted the ISP directly. I have spent hours sending in 1000s of Spam Mails and to be honest the volume of Spam from the same providers has increased 3-4 times. Iccloml. Loan is the most infamous... now getting 50-100 a day from "Alex"... based in China not sure what Spamcop can do other than tell them that I am an active email account so... send me more.

Date of experience: August 25, 2017
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Went from receiving 30-40 spam emails a day (individual user) to ZERO for the last week!
Took me a month or so of diligent reporting and learning that reporting spam from Russian ISPs only generated more spam. But now I'm virtually spam free!
Couldn't be more pleased!

Date of experience: November 8, 2016

Overview has a rating of 2.3 stars from 29 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. ranks 244th among IT Services sites.
