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Good website, v useful, helped a lot in banking and ssc preparation. As large number of students give tests, so a student can assess his rank and preparation with respect to toppers. The more mock you attempt, better will be your preparation and more are the chances to crack examination. All the best.

Date of experience: November 12, 2020
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Follow Vishakha R.
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I joined the website 3 months ago and my sole purpose was to access an online platform where I can practice good number of questions with quality explanation and to be very frank I must say I do not regret my decision. The best part about Smartkeeda is that are at your service almost 24x7.

Whenever I raised any doubts, I got a reply within an hour. An absolutely great website with no clutter and easy to navigate. Thanks.

Date of experience: November 4, 2016
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I was always in search of a similar website. I was preparing for IBPS PO when I first came to know about smartkeeda from my friend who also happens to be its fan. I joined the website with 1 month plan though I was not sure about whether it's worth the money or not.

But today I realized my decision was right as its analytics helped me a lot with my preparation. I was amazed to see all the topics with suggested questions in real exam. There were almost 90% questions which I studied on the website. It only made me write this review about them. Too good guys! I would give you 9 out of 10.

Date of experience: November 4, 2015
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I heard about this website through a friend of mine and was curious to try my hands on it. When I first went through the contents I was under the impression that it would be a test series kind of website. I paid Rs 588 for one year membership and logged in. Soon I realized that I made a mistake here. I felt like losing my money. I went to their pricing page and saw that they have this 100% refund policy under which I can place for a refund if I want to.

I sent a mail stating the issue and in no time the team replied back. They truly didn't ask any questions or showed any frustration on my decision to opt out. What I liked most that they were more willing to know their drawbacks than convincing me not to place the refund.

I got my money back but I'm still using smartkeeda. I was really happy to see your support guyz. You'll go a long way. Wish you luck.

Date of experience: November 26, 2015
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Smartkeeda rocks!
October 17, 2015

When I first visited the website I was a bit skeptical about the level of service as I was new to the online world but when I started using the services I felt more than amazed. The most pleasing aspect is that their subject expert team doesn't differentiate between a paid or a basic user. Whenever I asked a doubt, they were there to help me.

Next, their analytics are awesome and helped a lot for prepare for my ibps po pre exam. Today only I got to know that I cracked it. I'm really happy. Thanks to you smartkeeda. Kudos to you guys!

Date of experience: October 17, 2015
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I joined smartkeeda in March 2016 and my sole aim was to take help from it for my upcoming SSC CGL 2016 exam. I would mark both the positive and negative things about smartkeeda here.

1. The site has good number of questions for practice purpose. Most importantly explanation part is equally good.
2. The support and subject experts are quite fast to respond to my queries.
3. Short Videos are nice and explain things well.
4. Some videos from Syllogism, Area are amazing and helped me learn the concepts to the depth.

1. The site at times go quite slow.
2. It lacks test series. However, they are assuring me of its availability by the end of July this year. I hope they get it done before 15th June.
3. The GA part lacks questions specially in Geography and Polity sections.

Overall a good website specially for ssc cgl preparation. Thanks.

Date of experience: April 26, 2016
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Really I never ever felt this much motivated to write a post online. Today only I took my SSC CGL tier 1 exam and I was almost delighted and wanted to jump and do a fist punch in air right after I submitted my test. Almost all the questions of Maths and Reasoning were there on Smartkeeda with high trending points. As I am a working professional and do not get much time to prepare for the exams this website has really been a saviour. I practised all the questions suggested by the website and to my surprise I found them in the exam. It seemed as if I knew everything of two of my weak sections.

I take a bow smartkeeda team!

Date of experience: August 30, 2016
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I have tried each and every test series availbale, but testzone is somewhat a boom for students who give 100 mocks but fail in exam due to proper explanation and step wise approach, and follows the same trick as sbi, sometimes easy sometimes tricky. Which helps you to face adverse situations as such when one appeared in SBI PO 2016.

Date of experience: August 31, 2017
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As an aspirant of SSC CGL i like The way it presents questions and their solutions is good enough for students preparing for exams like ssc cgl, ibps po, mat, cds, etc. And being a working professional i couldn't get a better platform. Everything is good but at times i face low site speed. At the same time it should informs its users through news-mail about its recently updated topics or questions.

Overall a very good site for ssc exam aspirants.

Date of experience: May 28, 2015
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January 2, 2018

I am not able to access smartkeeda homepage. Please help me. I had bought the test series in the month of September and have been using it since then.

Date of experience: December 31, 2017
smart k. SmartKeeda Rep
over a year old

Hi Pavithra!

Kindly mail us to with your contact details. We'll fix the issue asap.


SmartKeeda has a rating of 4.1 stars from 14 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with SmartKeeda most frequently mention and test series. SmartKeeda ranks 30th among Test Preparation sites.