Sherayzen Law Office, PLLC

Sherayzen Law Office, PLLC

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Attorney Sherayzen helped me out big time with my long term undisclosed foreign asset problem. Benefits of offshore Voluntary Disclosure were explained to me during our second phone interview. These benefits far outweigh the risk of a criminal prosecution if non compliance is discovered during an audit. He filed my case with IRS and it was resolved. I have been working with Sherayzen Law office for the last 3 years and I highly recommend him. He is an amazing attorney. He works with you, so he is affordable and trustworthy- Humphrey M. Utah Resident

Date of experience: July 10, 2022
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After extensive research and after talking with a number of companies, including the top big-name consulting companies I chose Mr. Sherayzen. The difference between Mr. Sherayzen and the rest of the companies are that, while the rest of the companies treat all similar issues in a very generic manner Mr. Sherayzen approaches each case based on the particular situation and the need of the individual issue at hand. He knows and proves very well that, one size does not fit all.

Mr. Sherayzen is very thorough and meticulous in the delivery of his work. He is a subject-matter-expert. I trust him and would recommend him to anyone that is trying to obtain guidance and assistance in this regard.

Date of experience: March 1, 2017