SFI Marketing Group

SFI Marketing Group

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Strong Future?
July 7, 2021

SFI (Strong Future International) is a hybrid Affiliate Marketing/MLM platform. There are products to endorse for commissions, and Teams to build for passive residual income. Online auctions and games are there to promote and participate in, giving the Affiliate extra considerations. A legitimate platform that has been around for over 20 years! You need to be able to reach traffic in order to reach the top.

Date of experience: July 6, 2021
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This one works
March 16, 2015

I've also been in a number of MLM and affiliate programs as well, but SFI is the only one that doesn't ask for credit card details to join. It also has all the FREE stuff at your disposal to build an online business in the form of information, upline support and training, all for FREE.
Sure, you will need to put funds into moving forward, but that's your choice. No one is telling you that 'you have too do this' or 'do that'.
I am a team leader and email my team every week congratulating them on their progress and dedication. I always tell them it is their choice on how fast they progress and what the benefits are. So far this is the only program that I have actually received payment for my efforts. SFI is a genuine marketing program.

Date of experience: March 15, 2015
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It's good
September 8, 2015

It's not a overnight success business. Here you have to really do your hard work for success. It is the fasted growing online marketing site. Here you can learn A-Z of online marketing, fun by playing free games & listening free music and ultimately earn if you have patience and endurance. Please join free here as there is no harm to join. Please join at


Date of experience: September 7, 2015
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As a member of SFI for 5 years and 1 month, I finally had to opt out. SFI is the classic carrot/stick opportunity that has it's membership chasing badges and playing games. It's new Localvantia program aspires to rival Amazon but I predict Crash and Burn! Free to join, but there is a reason for that. Once a promising program, now it's trending downwards!

Date of experience: May 22, 2017
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SFI biz
January 28, 2020

As a member of SFI for 5 years plus plus, I find it very time consuming and a hopless biz. SFI is the classic carrot/stick opportunity that has it's membership chasing badges and playing games. It's new Localvantia program aspires to rival Amazon but I predict Crash and Burn! Free to join, but there is a reason for that. Once a promising program, now it's trending downwards! If just wanna waste time and play games... then its fine

Date of experience: January 28, 2020
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I understand SFI, I have cancelled my first account to trade over to another team or upline. I am telling you right know that if you have an amazing upline that have amazing directions and documents or they even go through a program to get on to your computer with your permission then do it! When I joined this team it was the middle of December 2014 and I became a STL (Silver Team Leader). Before I knew it, I was advertising for free and started to begin to make a team. But no one is going to pay you for nothing, it does require dedication and persistence. It is an amazing opportunity for anyone trying to start an online business. You will have to spend some money but no where near as much as if you were opening a public store on the street corner. If you would like to start with my team then go here: http://www.joinmySFIteam.com/******** If you go here, please be serious about some dedication to this. We can help you out all the way to success and even while your successful.

Date of experience: January 26, 2015
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SFI is over managed and under led!
July 22, 2018
Updated review

There seems to be an internal Mafia in operation within SFI which manipulates things in order to favor a select few. Gery Carson is not in control of the organization.It is rather the organization which is controlling him. Moreover his ally Triple Clicks (or rather Triple Tricks) seem to be dominant and have made him a dummy!

Date of experience: July 22, 2018

SFI is like a wolf in sheep's clothing!
July 2, 2018
Previous review

SFI should rightly be termed 'Super Fraud International. They trick innocent young people into joining; hook them to card games and deceptive 'Penny Auctions'. They then sell so called 'Tcredits at exorbitant rates. Only SFI makes money online.The hapless affiliates are duped of their money. I submitted a detailed complaint to the Complaint Board but it seems it has been hushed up. More people should come forward to stop this menace immediately!

Date of experience: July 2, 2018
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5 Year Member
March 25, 2018

As an Affiliate for 5 years, I understand SFI very well. SFI is not a scam, As I reported in an earlier review, I have made money every month.

However, since that review, there has been a major overhaul of TripleClicks, the marketing arm of SFI. Gery Carson, Founder and President admits the failure of TripleClicks and it's ECA program and has completely revamped it.

The heavy censorship of the SFI forum does not allow discussion of problem area's. The site has evolved to encouraging members to play games and chase badges. This certainly lines the wallet of Mr. Carson, while the membership spends money.

SFI is better suited for those that are knowledgeable of driving traffic. If you are inexperienced, you can spend years trying to build an income that will exceed what you spend on games and chasing badges.

Date of experience: March 25, 2018
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Be an SFI enterpreneur
September 1, 2023

Where in the world you purchases goods exchange with diamonds. This multi marketing SFI networking is an multi awarded of prestige with honorable artworks to be played conceptually. You dine the next day you will received a bunch of your wishes.It not just an hour satisfaction but could be your lifetime partner. Avoiding error is terrible but here what a smart ways to call it a lesson.Play your cards the next time around.Twelve months a very long span to exercise to width of your brains.Just play it smart not this month then try to use your stategies next month.Change your plan make purchases then use it or downline to the deep deep deep and buy,either way sounds good for good deals.See you around at SFI.

Date of experience: September 1, 2023
Hong Kong
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I have been seriously marketing Internet opportunities for a few months now. In that time, I have researched dozens of companies. SFI is simply the most powerful and productive!

The simplicity of the SFI system has helped me to develop a six- figure income coming right out of college. With its great team leaders on your side and simple automation, you can build a successful home-based business in no time at all!

Visit this page to learn about SFI and more internet income opportunities: http://tripleclickz.weebly.com/

Date of experience: October 31, 2014


SFI Marketing Group has a rating of 3.6 stars from 25 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. SFI Marketing Group ranks 6th among Affiliate Programs sites.
