Seaside Heights Borough, NJ

Seaside Heights Borough, NJ

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Stay away from Seaside Heights, NJ, A town with major drug problems, a mayor who suspended ( with no warning and all decisions were made behind closed doors with no VALID explanation) a successful TNR (trap. Neuter. Return) program to deal with the cats living in town. This was an issue that became a problem after Super Storm Sandy, when so many abandoned pets and existing strays were left to breed unchecked in the absence of humans for so many, many months. The mayor removed the very diligent organization that had been trapping and neutering hundreds of cats and catching the kittens so they could be adopted out. This Spring the mayor, suspended the program with no alternate plan, so the neutering stopped, allowing many more cats to breed, they said they would not be KILLING cats, but the new ordinance, they wrote with no help from animal welfare organizations, despite many offers for assistance, basically makes the capture and killing of these cats inevitable, because they made it impossible to meet the demands of the ordinance. If you previously came to Seaside Heights, I advise you to re-think that decision, instead go to Point Pleasant, NJ, a family oriented boardwalk, with a successful TNR and adoption program!

Date of experience: July 25, 2016