Rosemary And Co Artists

Rosemary And Co Artists

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I thought I would test whether all the good things I was hearing about Rosemary and Co's brushes were true or just lockstop gossip and so bought a couple of their cheapest bristle brushes.
And it's all true! These two chungking brushes are the cheapest in the range and are far better quality than brushes I have bought for 4 times the price.
I bought several watercolour brushes at the same time and these too are astoundingly good for their price. I mean really, really top quality.
What's more they delivered speedily even during this lockdown.
Fantastic work. I don't see why I would need to buy brushes from elsewhere.

Date of experience: April 1, 2020
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And excellent 5 star company with 5 star brushes. Every artist should be using Rosemery brushes,
They are excellent in all ways, quality, service and price, thank you so much!

Date of experience: September 12, 2022