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Post care
November 6, 2022

On returning to the UK 2 weeks post op my breasts became infected, I contacted the company with a clear precise photo and my concerns. I was told the surgeon would be contacted and I would be replied to. The following day with my infection worsening I attended hospital to receive medical attention. I was placed on antibiotics for 12 days. 4 days later after receiving NO reply at all from Turkey I thanked them for their concern at which time I was informed that they had been too busy. I further complained to Turan the owner whose position was there was nothing wrong with me hence no reply. This he later changed in writing blaming an intern. I attempted to post my experience on a "patient" forum that is controlled by their UK coordinator whom blocked it.

Date of experience: November 6, 2022
Revitalize i. RevitalizeInTurkey Rep
over a year old

This is to inform anyone reading this review that, the patient above has contacted us on 03.11 - Wednesday last week, to ask if the redness and soreness around the incision area were normal. There was no sign of discharge or any open wound on the photos, which would have made us alarmed otherwise. All patient photos are normally sent to the relevant whatsapp group for them to be investigated by our patient director. It came to our attention that our office assistant has sent them to the wrong group as he didn’t pick up any signs of problem on patients photos, thinking that the patient is asking for a specific input for her recovery, which was the main reason we had three days delay in getting back to our patient. The moment we realized this, our patient director rang Ms Evans and apologized her by explaining about the circumstances out of our control that were conducive in causing a 3 day delay in getting back to her. Our patient director has also explained to her on the phone that he has found it to be the right course of action for her to GP, as it safeguarded patient’s being put on to antibiotic, whilst we always send out antibiotics to each of our patients immediately after a sign infection is picked, with the whole process of delivery taking up to 2-3 working days, we do approve patients seeing their GP’s most of the time to expedite the process of getting an antibiotic. We would like to indicate that we have Home Kit Packs made available to purchase for a small fee at our Patient Complex where we have all the essential medications including a course of antibiotics, we firmly advise to all of our patients to obtain one of these kits to make sure that they would have a snag-free recovery experience by when they are back in their home countries.

Ms Evans was explained on the phone that most of the time it could not possible to infer patient has a infection with the sign of redness on the operation site, with the absence of any physical examination unless there is an exudate, sloughy wound or opening on the wound like where there is pus type of discharge. After looking her photos, our surgeon wasn’t either able to conclude that the redness could be to do with the infection, however we would have still advised the patient to start with a course of an antiobiotic to be on the safe side, as signs of redness could still be associated with the early stages of a mild infection, although it is not possible to confirm this without any physical examination or by looking at one photograph.

Just to add one more clarification in our defence to Ms Evan’s statement where she seems to rephrased our explanation and recontrued it wrongly, there was no such written or verbal statement with any direct reference to our being busy to reply to her. The message our office assistant sent her only stated that the week's schedule was a bit tight due to the U. K. consultations, so we could not reply immediately.

We welcome all our patients to provide feedbacks on social media about their individual recovery experiences and provide us with constructive critism where necessary; however, we have obligation to all other online viewers and readers to shed all the facts and realities about any particular complaint for the sake of establishing the grounds for an impartial appraisal of any complaint; otherwise, they could be a part of unjust mechanism that could be conducive for misleading the public opinion.

We do take responsibility for our mistake for the inadvertent hick-cup resulting in 3 days delay in responding her email, once again as we did on the phone few times want to apologize here for the inconvenience being caused. Viv has been to our clinic three times, and she will always remain to be one of our valuable patients who we cherished great memories of frienship, we will always be supportive to her all through out her recovery and stand by her side to make sure that she gets the best out her experience as a part of our commitment to be part of this long term companionship. Would be more than delighted to see her back at our clinic.

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The staff go the extra mile at the Mandarin Grove Villas. Stunning place and excellent food. Teoni looks after your every need. My Surgeon was so caring and understanding of what I wanted to achieve. The driver is so polite and caring! I have nothing but praise for Revitalize and would definitely recommend it. Jackie answered all my questions and queries promptly and with love. Thanks everyone xx

Date of experience: April 27, 2022
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January 16, 2019

I had rhinoplasty with Dr Cenk last April and the results far exceeded my expectations. The service provided before and after surgery was superb. The Revitalize Team were excellent and were available to contact at all times. Dr Cenk is an incredible surgeon - he is exceptionally talented, honest and trustworthy. He will tell you exactly what can be achieved and will not give you false expectations. I cannot thank the team enough for such a seamless experience.

Date of experience: January 16, 2019
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Amazing experience
September 1, 2020

Amazing and very positive experience of using this company. Went on my own from UK and first time having cosmetic surgery. Very support and impressed with all aspects from Revitilize, thanks so much to the entire team.

Date of experience: September 1, 2020
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Follow sarah R.
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I checked out there instagram 3 weeks ago and it was about the 5000 mark then three weeks later I went on and it said 15K thought that was weird so went on their followers list and all the accounts that were following them were fake! The next morning I woke up and they where up to 19K! Wish I screen shot the 5000 and the 15K! But anyway I did scene shot the 19k and now two hours later there up to 21 K :) so I think that proves it!

Don't be sucked in by this company.If they lie about followers how will they treat you when your surgery goes wrong?

Date of experience: February 3, 2020
Revitalize i. RevitalizeInTurkey Rep
over a year old

Number of instagram followers can fluctuate from time to time as a result of various promotions by our company. We have provided services to thousands of patients over the last 16 years and we also have a transparent and honest approach to any patient who should like to get references from our past patients.

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Follow bronagh c.
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You may think you are booked with a private clinic but your operation is in a public hospital. I was taken from a 'private room '. I was wheeled through public corridors with people who spoke no English. I arrived in an operating theatre that was old and decrepit. I first noticed how small and old it was. The overhead lights where cracked and bulbs where broken. No one spoke any English and there was no interpreter. I asked what was going on... in the UK staff advise you throughout, step by step what is going on in the operating theatre. No one identified themselves. For example. Nurse, anesthesia nurse, aneathatist. I woke up in excruciating pain in a small 'recovery room' surrounded by at least three other patients who where all male. The 'nurse' did not speak any English and was ignoring my pleas for pain relief immediately after surgery. It took 3 hours post operative until my pain was bearable.

Date of experience: June 26, 2022
Revitalize i. RevitalizeInTurkey Rep
over a year old

This is to inform that our surgeon has engaged in corresponding with Ms Bronagh non-stop for almost 2 months post-operatively himself almost day and night to support her during the intitial phase of recovery. (Screen-shots of the whole conversation and patient's before and after' photos to prove our point). Patient's claim about the after-care and support are completely ungrounded - she is booked to stay for 10 nights after having the operation with us, and it was our surgeon following her up 2 months none-stop after she got back to Belfast. Despite our gracious efforts to provide her support all throughout her recovery, we have been confronted with blackmailing campaign launched by the patient for no reason (all the evidences could be shared with the public upon request in addition to 'before and after' photos to refute patient's claims about her operation being is a faulty one). Patient incessantly demanded us to pay her flights when her breasts were all healed up; with no reason to fly back to clinic for any medical intervention. It is quite unfortunate for all this to happen when we have done our best to guide Ms Bronagh through the initial phase of her recovery.

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I had 2 major operations in Dec 2018. The operations went just as planned and Nana the lady who looked after me in the hospital and at the villa was absolutely fantastic. She made the whole experience as comfortable as possible. She couldn't do enough for me. The stay in the villa was very comfortable and i was looked after and fed everyday. Would highly recommend.

Date of experience: January 16, 2019
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Nose job
June 11, 2024
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I have reached out to the clinic as id like to go and have things corrrected, still waiting for a co-ordinater to get back to me,
As they did say i could go snd have some rasping of the bone to help it appear straight again,
I had a splint put into my nose so maybe this is why im experiencing headaches and throbbing nose,as the splint may not have taken properly,
My nose was broken in a domestic abusive relationship, before that i was really beautiful and was modelling, i was looking forward to the surgery i booked through this clinic, as it was a chance to get mylife on track, i didnt think id be feelng worse after, and feeling dismissed and not taken seriously.

Date of experience: June 11, 2024

Revitalise turkey
November 18, 2022
Previous review

In defense of the review that was placed, first of all i am only stating the truth, i feel it was unprofessional of revitalise to state my personal sensitive information and name etc on social media and reviews,
I will be speaking to management about patient confidentiality and personal data.
I had the surgery over 2 yrs now, in between that time i has infections and pain and swelling,im still waking up with throbbing pain i'm my nose, i've not had any after care or follow up appointments,
I would eventually like to get the issues rectified but i will take my time and not via whatsapp pictures etc,to spk to a consultant face to face and after care is very important.

Date of experience: November 18, 2022

Nose job
April 27, 2022
Previous review

I had a nose job there before the lockdown,
I am still in agony and have headaches and have asked so many times for my notes from my consultant and surgeon, to take somewhere else to see if i can get some insight i to why i'm experiencing this pain and bump on my nose that wasn't there before operation, 2 yrs post op. I have contacted the manager, who has advised me to contact my consultant, who up until this present day has not presented me with my notes, and to be told i should be happy with the outcome, pls think properly before you decide to have surgery.

Nose is clearly not straight im so sad
Date of experience: April 27, 2022
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Follow Maureen H.
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November 17, 2020

I had breast uplift on the 8 th October this year I'm very unhappy with the operation and the way I was treated was suppose to stay a week ended up staying 3 weeks due to a very bad infection. Had to have my left breast opened and left open for 12 days to try to clear infection was given antibiotics after being very sick for 4 days then they decided to give me antibiotics but not intervenes as that would mean staying in hospital and they weren't willing to pay I was taken to theatre on 4 more occasions and demanded that I pay and also pay for the 14 days extra I had to stay in the villa due to infection, Turan is the most corrupt person in the compsny and once you've handed over your money and signed that anything happens there not liable then it's up to you to seek help

Date of experience: November 17, 2020
Revitalize i. RevitalizeInTurkey Rep
over a year old

This is to inform anyone reading this review that the issues associated with Ms. Maureen have been settled peacefully. There have been some misunderstandings on our patient's part which have let some misjudgments on our clinic on the patient's part. Our patient has taken positive steps towards rectifying her position and we have welcomed our patient back to our clinic to increase the level of her satisfaction to the highest degree by performing a follow-up operation which has addressed the problems the patient has indicated in her review. And once again, we would like to thank our patient for choosing to come to our clinic and recording the testimonial video below, which is a testament to the fact that we have achieved her happiness out of her experience with ourselves.

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Be very wary of good reviews of this outfit in Turkey. (Plastic Surgery). They VIOLATE Terms of Service Guidelines by signing up under MANY different names PRETENDING to be 'patients' leaving glowing reviews. It's an FTC violation for a surgical outfit to PRETEND to be patients leaving reviews and to sign up with a bunch of different screen names to do it.

Date of experience: August 28, 2016
Revitalize i. RevitalizeInTurkey Rep
over a year old

We have around 250 reviews on different platforms and all reviews have been written by our patients.


RevitalizeInTurkey has a rating of 2.6 stars from 13 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. RevitalizeInTurkey ranks 32nd among Cosmetic Surgery sites.