Retirement Thru Design
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North Carolina
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My family reminded me to plan my retirement even if it is still years away. Like everyone else, dreaming of a comfortable and carefree retirement is what they would want for me to achieve in the near future. With a big question mark looming ahead, it is important to put our head into deep planning to ensure a retirement that is truly feasible and rewarding.
I am glad that I have found RetirementThruDesign. This web-based firm offer lucrative services that will greatly assist people who wish to prepare for their twilight years. Offering services on estate planning and retirement plans, Blair Aaronson ensures that through a highly personalized retirement program, you can ensure living a cheery and relaxed future.
There is nothing wrong in planning for what would possibly happen after we retire. I am now confident that I would be able to retire contented and have that financial stability. Thanks to the help of this industry entity!

Date of experience: June 21, 2013
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The mission statement of Retirement Thru Design started 11 years ago. As a result of spending many years at America's top rated firms I came to the sad reality sometimes getting the real facts vs. a lot of financial mumbo jumbo was close to impossible. Personally, I am very disappointed at how the financial community has allowed Seniors to be fleeced of 40% of their lifetime savings by putting their earnings and bottom line in front of their fiduciary responsibilities.

This vaporized close to 1/2 trillion dollars of hard earned assets. After being in the trenches for over 16 years, it became a tragic reality that the individual investor in 2008 was caught up a modern replay of the Emperor's new clothes.

The saddest part has to be non-functional memories of the invested public. Those who thought they were smarter this time had to relive it all over again to the tune of 50% decline.

Time for a little 5th grade math. When you lose 50% You need HOW MUCH to BREAK EVEN? No, not 50% but 100%!

Date of experience: June 10, 2013