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I have been incredibly stressed lately about money and i fell into deep debt so coming in contact with this site has helped a lot with a solution to my finance issue. It wasn't stressful one bit in touch with an agent service rep to assist me and this made the process more easier and faster for me after i gave them the necessary prove. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to people who are in the predicament

Date of experience: November 8, 2021
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I have not invested my own money in this website. All my earnings have been from the lost coins while trading from other cryptocurrency site reclaimed on this platform, the most interesting part was when i was asked to send a prove of the lost coin of which i was in to reclaim back. Without spending a dime, I will be able to fully recover the coin. Of course, I waited for the customer service support for feedback to confirm the lost of the coins worth $15,000 when I actually attempt to withdraw in regards to that. It took a process of just 24hours to confirm the withdrawal, I have not made any referrals, so I'm sure with a few referrals someone could recover money faster than me depending on the evidence of lost coins provided, they are reliable.

Date of experience: November 4, 2021