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I was recently shopping for a refrigerator and became quickly frustrated by the amount of information I had to sift through. What I thought would be an easy process became totally and utterly unbearable. though gave me just what I needed to not only find the right refrigerator, but also where I could get it at a great price. When I had questions, I e-mailed them and they actually RESPONDED with detailed information. Unlike bigger sites like epinions, and which compile info on every product under the sun and sometimes have just a bunch of outdated information, the guys at just focus on refrigerators ONLY. There are other refrigerator review sites, but they were useless. The refrigerator reviews at RefrigeratorPro were easy to read, thorough and were of the models I wanted (and could afford).

I really liked the free Find-A-Fridge service that was also really helpful as it finally helped me narrow down my choice to the gorgeous Samsung French Door Refrigerator I purchased last week.

Anyway, rarely do I bother giving shout outs, but kudos to the guys at

Date of experience: March 26, 2011