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Redfin showed new listing between 12 and 24 hours before Zillow. It was crucial for us as we were racing against other buyers in a very tight market last year. Both sites are complimentary, Zillow tends to have more complete data, Redfin is faster, but with missing info at times.

Date of experience: June 19, 2016
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Use wisely
January 12, 2021

It's a great search engine when it's available on your area. But buying real estate is complicated and there's a lot of forms and processes and inspections and other options you might not consider unless you have a dedicated agent's advice and undivided attention. If you've bought a house before maybe they're a good tactic to save some money on closing costs and fees. But I'd say if you're inexperienced an actual agent can hold your hand more. Up to you though. I've had no experience with them in the selling department so can't say for sure in terms of that.

Date of experience: January 12, 2021
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I found out about this site through good friends who recently bought their home in the Bay Area and found their new home using Redfin. I'm not sure it's the premiere source for serious buyers, but it's a fun source for looking at homes.

Typically, I use the app rather than the website. It's useful for getting an overview of what's available. If you're traveling and want to see what the local real estate averages are, you can easily and quickly get a sense of that particular local market.

Date of experience: March 3, 2014
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Our realtor in purchasing our home was Royce Stringer of The Zona Team in Prescott, AZ. We put this poor man through more than any realtor should have to endure. He smiled, laughed, and remained perfectly professional through it all. Three contracts on three houses within a month. Had to cancel the first two due to undisclosed situations with each property. The third one was our "meant to be" house though, and we have been in it for almost a month now. Royce is as accommodating as a realtor can be. Great communication, prompt action on addressing issues, and a skillful negotiator. Highly, highly recommend.

Date of experience: November 28, 2015
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I have been using for the last few months to research houses to purchase. This site has the most up-to-date information; it will tell you DAYS faster when a house comes on the market, and if/when one goes under contract so you don't waste time imagining life in a house that's already been sold. Like other real estate sites, it also has information about the demographics of the neighborhood, crime rates, schools, etc... I've tried the app on my Windows phone, but for me it is easier to maneuver back and forth on the full website. I would highly recommend this site to anyone on the market for a new home.

Date of experience: April 9, 2014
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If you want tons of details updated frequently on homes for sale it's a great site. You may find it frustrating to wade through so much data. Do you really need to know the name of the township, that parcel identification number or that the condo's lot dimensions are common before you see a property?

Don't get lured into using their agents. A scheduler will schedule your showing. A driver will accompany you on the showing. Another agent will handle the contract, etc. You're put on an assembly line. Good luck if there's an issue after you've signed a contract.

Date of experience: March 11, 2018
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They use your information for their own advertising and do nothing about it when you ask them not too! Information can be invalid but still used for their own gains. Place blame on others and not accountable. STAY AWAY!

Date of experience: August 7, 2015
4 reviews
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I had terrible neighbors that would beat on the walls and ceiling for 5 month. They put holes in there apartment. I asked to get out of my lease and was told they would work on it. Greystar manages the property and after 5 months I just moved out. Greystar then said I broke the lease and refused to negotiate the lease termination fee. They just want to threaten to put it on my credit,

Date of experience: April 19, 2018
New York
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Great Site
June 10, 2022

This site is easy to use compared to many other sites out there. I added my email notifications to notify me anytime a new house came on the market. This was great because I was the first one to usually see a new place I liked.

Date of experience: June 10, 2022
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Red Fin
May 7, 2021

Redfin is a great website where you can find your dream house! You can look at the prices, claim a house, and even find a selling house! I personally haven't used this website that much, but from a little experience, I can tell that this is an amazing website!

Date of experience: May 6, 2021


Redfin has a rating of 3.1 stars from 14 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Redfin ranks 65th among Real Estate sites.
