This site is unbelievable.
What is perfectly fine for some members to say, gets others barred.
Some people get away with absolute murder by saying the vilest, cruelest things imaginable to other members, while the person who is being attacked, gets punished if they try to defend themselves.
This site smacks of hypocrisy. And is full of losers who run each other down all day and all night every day and very night, yet this is perfectly acceptable (at least for SOME members) to management.
Management has their joke of "Terms Of Service" (which they ONLY enforce for certain members), while others are free to post and say what they please.
There are many other gay sites out there for guys who have a head on their shoulders.
This sewer, unfortunately, is NOT one of them.
This has for to be the absolute worst site I have ever encountered.
They are so hard up for members, that they let others get away with murder, yet takes forever when it comes to allowing you access.
I waited and waited and and they still didn't let me in to their rats nest, filled with blank photos of hundreds, if not thousands of users with the heading "Not Recently Active."
While I waited, I learned how this site works. They encourage you to get "verified", but even WHEN you do, it means nothing.
It is a filthy site full of unattractive, sexually frustrated old men and young reprehensibly bitter guys (who are the furthest thing from "Real Jocks", and you are attacked and accused with no provocation and i was told that management sees this happening but allows it.
They tell you to report fake profiles, but even when you give them solid proof, they do NOTHING about it.
It is evident of the sorry state of this place. They are so desperate foe users, that they let their users get away with bullying, harassment, creating fake profiles and the like.
This pitiful site of literal rejects has more complaints filed with it with the Better Business Bureau, and I personally just filed another.
And it doesn't matter that it is a free site - the stress and anger and frustration it causes, while management does NOTHING, isn't worth it.
There are WAY better sites out there. This truly is the bottom of the barrel.
They advertise 4,000 members, but over 80% of them are blank, faceless ghosts like in my screenshot.
I am thrilled they DIDN'T approve me. After finding out others how they work, I deletedmyself in 24 hours.