Given the amount of power the USA has, you probably should be interested in American politics wherever you live. But you also know that the mainstream media, web included, is only serving up mainstream ideas, carefully tailored to suit the needs of the publishers as much as or more than the needs of the readers. Where do you find the real voices of the people?
The massive, long-running and still highly successful blogging site, at, has been overlooked by many as a serious venue. True, it has had a long history of being a venue for spammers and porno sites that goes back many years, long before its acquisition by Google. And there's still a percentage of the site that does deal in such subjects, and Google does permit adult material without interference except for a prefacing warning notice. But you'll also find much political activism and opinion here, on all sides, and in all degrees. In other words, left- and right-wing nuts are just as likely to be pressing their cases as are the voices of reason, and with more venom.
One way into what is a very crowded field is here at the Read My Lipstick Network blog, unsurprisingly a conservative voice with Palinesque leanings. In the sidebar you will find a great number of other right-wing and Republican blog links, and these in turn lead to more material on both the far left and right of the political spectrum. Once into the melee, you may find it hard to extricate yourself if you have any strong feelings about where the country is going, and easy to become caught up in the often intense campaigning and rhetoric here.
I have to rate this particular site as mediocre because that's my personal opinion, and I can't rate it any higher. But many readers will want to do so, and that's fine, and I'm not bringing any personal political bias into this. There are other ways into the vast network of personal political opinion on, this just happens to be a convenient one and a fair starting point to either love or hate.
Next year sees not only the end of the world as we know it, according to some pundits, but the next Presidential election, too. As long as they don't arrive in that order, expect the political blogs here to get more frantic and perhaps, more inspiring, as the time draws near.