Okzxcnfdskj mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Random.org has unquestionably emerged as a bastion of reliability and trustworthiness in the realm of chance. I enthusiastically endorse it to those in pursuit of bona fide randomness for their undertakings. This splendid tool bestows a subtle aura of legitimacy upon any arbitrary selection process. My heartfelt commendations to the brilliant minds at Random.org for crafting this invaluable and effortlessly navigable service, a true asset to the seekers of authentic randomness. Cheers to a team that has artfully woven user-friendliness into the very fabric of their creation!
A great generator that in fact helped me in solving lots of dilemmas. Ofc this thing can be used for more, as getting some random numbers for problems, or random words for some games etc. But the coin flipper nailed it :D
The site is kind of a cool way to make a decision on the fly and if you don't have a coin easily available or if you're trying to pick lottery tickets, this might help.
This website is basically a random number generator, that really_is_ random -- which is pretty much all it does. I have found this website pretty useful at times, and its fun when I'm bored. :P
Lots of features! The ones I personally use are the password ones and the coin flipper - really makes it easier to come up with a decision sometimes.