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We were facing all sort of difficulties in managing our projects. Our tasks could not be distributed perfectly among team members. We could not resolve issues fast. Our efficiency was getting hampered. Rising costs, delayed projects were hurting us badly. Some of our projects also failed. Our reputation among our clients, customers and stakeholders was getting badly affected. We were desperate to set things right but did not know how. Then we switched to Proofhub, an online project management system for managing our projects. Now things are more smoother and structured. Our tasks can be better organized, distributed and timely executed. Communication and collaboration among team members has drastically improved. Our projects end on time. We are quite pleased with our progress.

Date of experience: March 5, 2014
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I am a diehard fan of Proofhub. The best thing about Proofhub is that it smoothly blends in your work process. You don’t have to spend hours trying to explore the functioning or finding if there’s a certain feature in it that you need the most or not. I would surely recommend it to one and all, for bringing the much required ease in their professional lives.

Date of experience: February 26, 2014
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Proofhub is a great tool for organization over projects and for distribution and tracking over tasks. Has got capabilities like subtasks and labels which lend clarity over tasks’ definition, filtering and differentiation and these can be timely executed by the respective team members, can even comment upon them.

Date of experience: March 11, 2014
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I found this application recently. I have tried all major project management apps but could not find a tool like this. Really love this product. It also has proofing feature.

Date of experience: June 20, 2014
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Proofhub is a go-to project management and collaboration tool, that helps people worldwide stay connected to work from anywhere and at anytime.

Date of experience: March 9, 2014
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Ours is a web designing firm whose team members operate from different locations around the world. Our problem was inviting fast and accurate feedback from our clients. The delay in obtaining feedback from them was affecting our profitability and our clients were screaming at us when these got delayed. We did not want this to happen but we were helpless. Eliciting feedback through emails had its own problems. These did not accept different types of files for transfer. They had limit over the size of the files we transferred. We sent an email about a design today and the clients responded after a day or two. So it delayed design feedback. Moreover, we had to constantly update our team members over designs’ progress through shooting emails to everybody. It was so annoying, wasted a lot of time and effort. But then some team member’s friend suggested using online proofing tool Proofhub for inviting fast and quality feedback from clients. We liked the idea and went ahead with it. And we are now so relieved. We simply enter a comment over a design and share it with a client from our browser. The design reaches to the client in split seconds. The client views it and if he notices something that needs to be changed, he can simply put his comment over it or draw shapes in it. We can see it in our browser and quickly rework on it. This then gets approved by the client. It is that much simple. We also receive timely email notifications which let us know that a specific client’s design order is fast approaching its due date, so we can create and deliver it timely without missing. All our members remain updated about progress over designs through automatic email notifications. The whole experience is so comforting. Our clients are loving it and we are simply relishing it.

Date of experience: February 17, 2014
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Nice website with nice project management features.

Date of experience: December 20, 2012