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Before you even complete their test and press the submit button, the page says you haven't passed the test. A writing service-providing institution that does not even know the difference between present and past tense. I am in almost 5 different writing companies and have successfully passed their stupid grammar tests. This is a completely fraudulent company based in Ukraine or something.

Date of experience: June 5, 2022
2 reviews
21 helpful votes
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It became impossible to write orders for this company, because of extreme stupidity of support agents. If the customer required to use, for example, 10 sources, you will definitely be accused of plagiarism. They check papers with plagiarism check software which, naturally, does not recognize citations. So, any citation in the text will be marked as "plagiarism" and they will apply a fine of 100% of the order price. One time, they applied even 500%!
Moreover, if the customer required revision and put requirements which contradict initial instructions to the order, you will be demanded to make this revision for free, and if you refuse, they will apply a fine.
They treat writers as a kind of trash.

Date of experience: January 3, 2019