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North Carolina
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If you have a thumb drive/ Flash Dive this is the site for you. It is jammed full of applications that can be installed to your flash drive and run from your flash drive. I have used this site in the past and some of the applications that are on the site are very useful. They have taken most of the most popular freeware programs and made them where they can be installed on your flash drive. They have also made it easier to download multiple apps at one time with the suite program for flash drive which comes with the most popular apps in the directory. I recommend this site for anyone and everyone who thinks their productivity can go up with the ease of having apps on their flash drive to help with most computer needs.

Date of experience: August 19, 2010
37 reviews
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August 10, 2011

A MUST-HAVE! This application is installed to your thumb drive or external drive, and is able to run a bunch of programs directly from the drive, (not installed to the operating system!). If you have multiple computers, or have to move work from computer to computer or use a friends computer, this is very handy.

For instance:
I keep my email in Thunderbird, that runs from portable apps. I keep this on a small external hard drive. If I am traveling, I just take the drive with me, and I can check my email, (and have it perfectly synced without using webmail) on any Windows computer, including my little netbook. When I get back home, I just take the drive and plug it into my main computer, and everything is there! No more having to use webmail or sync inboxes across multiple computers.

This suite contains a ton of useful, open-source apps including Open Office, Skype, Dropbox, etc. Definitely one of the best out there!

Date of experience: August 10, 2011