Politics Stack Exchange
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There had been chatter on the politics. Stackexchange website about awful moderation, but I had never experienced myself until recently.

I posted a new question. It wasn't perfectly aligned with some interest groups, but it was reasonable, met the guidelines for the site, and didn't violate any of their policies:

Q: "Is there any scientific/investigative data or reporting that indicates LGBT interest groups have excessive, coercive sway in online moderator teams?"

The question was put on hold and blocked almost immediately, without any explanation. The only actual concrete criticism of the question was that it did not involve states and governments. Note that their site isn't "Government Politics", just "Politics". And their site guidelines don't require that the politics have to relate to states and governments! In fact, the guidelines mention "clash of egos" (read: "clash of interests"), and also issues pertaining to "policies" (e.g. Politics involving online moderation)!

In fact, we all take it for granted that politics exists outside of state government. We talk about "office politics" on a regular basis! But I guess some moderators somehow conveniently forget reality and their own site guidelines when it comes to censoring information they're not comfortable with.

Imagine replacing just several words in the question:

"Is there any scientific/investigative data or reporting that indicates *MALE EXECUTIVES* have excessive (disproportionate), coercive sway in *CORPORATE PROMOTION DECISIONS*?"

The question would have sailed through without a single objection. Replace two terms, and everyone knows it would have been left up on the site. Even though some people might not enjoy the question, it still fits the site. There might be contrary opinions, but there's no reason to block the question itself.

All the other criticisms were weaselly moaning that they didn't particularly like that the question was being asked - that it made them uncomfortable. That's not something I can help them with, and I'd also recommend that no one ever apologize to them for not conforming to their thought-control crew - almost like something out of the 1970's USSR.

Date of experience: June 19, 2019