We hired Plainfield Accounting & Tax Accountants to prepare our INdividual and Business Income Tax Returns. We had quite a lot of paperwork to go through. They handled our complicated tax returns professionally, very quickly and explained tax consequences for our financial transactions throughout the year. They also made recommendations for us to save money next year. Pricing very reasonable. We recommend using them for accounting and tax services if you are an individual or business. Very thorough, reliable and professional. Thanks
I used Plainfield Accounting & Tax for all my corporate accounying and tax and my federal and state personal taxes for years. Now. Impressed by taking the time to nderstand my business and personal needs, recommend crediit building, ensure tax laes6 and state filing agency's fili gd required by deadlines. She eviewed several prior years of returns during the start of our relationship, amended prior tax returns to increase money in my poccket.
Very knowledgeable about all business accounting, payroll, website building, credit building fpr loans, laws, tax codes, and smart!
Very experienced and money spent for services well worth it.