Pitchfork Media

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After reading through a number of their album reviews, I can tell Pitchfork is as snobby and elitist as a music reviewer can be. They almost seem to be personally offended by some albums, as if the review is more of an attack on the artists due to some personal, unrelated vendetta rather than the actual music.

They fave Camp by childish gambino a 1.6, and sigh no more by mumford and sons a 2.1... come on guys.

Forget Pitchfork exists and just enjoy whatever music makes you happy, they're a cancer on the industry.

Date of experience: February 14, 2019
North Carolina
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When you read more than one review about how bad a band is, when said band's albums keep winning awards, it makes you doubt the competency of the reviewers. These same albums are being chosen by the listeners as being the top albums of the year. This makes you question how in touch with people these reviewers are. I do not believe that this site is a good source of reliable, unbiased information, I do not recommend it.

Date of experience: October 21, 2017
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Found this site reviewed on SJ and it really does live up to the hype. Great way to discover new music. I had previously only looked at the iTunes top lists to find new music and was getting very dissatisfied with what I was listening to. I would suggest anyone reading this to just try out pitchfork for awhile and ditch the mainstream commercial itunes for discovering new music

Date of experience: December 17, 2010
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Pretty obscure
March 10, 2016

I don't think I'm probably their main type of reader, but I found some interesting things on there about who is collaborating with who. And I find a new artist from time to time. I'm a big Spotify guy for my music and new music, but Pitchfork is really in the deep music scene.

Date of experience: March 10, 2016
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Often, Pitchfork is so pretentious I can barely read it. However, I can't think of a better site to read music reviews (suggestions?). Can't live with it. Can't live without it.

Good Pitchfork calls:
10.0 - The Soft Bulletin (Flaming Lips)
10.0 - Aeroplane Over the Sea (Neutral Milk Hotel)

Date of experience: October 23, 2009
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This is a good website that has all the obvious music tools like reviews, downloads, etc. I am not a huge fan of the writing on the site but they do review a ton of music and do a nice job of organizing everything.

Date of experience: October 9, 2009
18 reviews
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I can sit here and badmouth pitchfork.com all day:

Their reviews are so overcerebral they make me feel like I'm at a renaissance fair when I'm just trying to decide if an album sucks or not.

They think Animal Collective is the greatest thing to hit music since the Beatles.

They constantly use phrases like "Fleet Foxes are great, but their harmonics are derivative of early My Morning Jacket."

But this isn't the Player Hater's Ball, so let's take a step back and be real: it is THE premiere site for indie rock reviews, and the first (and usually only) site I consult when looking for music advice. There are other sites and blogs I can go to to get more succinct (and less pretentious) reviews, but when I want a thorough, comprehensive understanding of exactly why an album is great (or terrible), I go to pitchfork.com. It is my go-to, and though I don't always agree with them (Joanna Newsom, really?), they run the indie-music-review scene and I am definitely a pitchfork junkie.

Date of experience: February 23, 2010
265 reviews
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Some people call Pitchfork Media elitist and pretentious, but all I know is that it's still the best source, for me, of discovering new music that I'm sure to like and of being updated on my favorite bands. Living in Guatemala, I'm unable to see live shows or to talk to like-minded folks about the stuff I like, but Pitchfork.com keeps me feeling in the loop.

Pitchfork was the only place that covered U. K. band Flotation Toy Warning months after some friends and I heard it used by Martin Pickle in a short film. It's the only place where I can find out about a possible Camera Obscura/M. Ward collaboration, watch Weezer covering MGMT's Kids, listen to some good tracks, and wait excitedly for a new Broken Social Scene album. Of course I like Pitchfork most of all because I agree with almost everything they say as well. If only Pitchfork came in the form of a skinny, faux-hipster with a job so that I could fall in love with it in person.

Date of experience: May 17, 2009
3 reviews
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Cool music related stuff
November 14, 2018

I like pitchfork because I can get a lot of music related news on their website but also they do a bunch of other neat stuff on their youtube channel like interviews and interesting music videos.

Date of experience: November 11, 2018
New Mexico
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This magazine sucks
October 29, 2021

Elitist and snobby bro mag. They don't really know anything about music. It's just a bunch of critics who have never picked up an instrument in their lives.

Date of experience: October 29, 2021


Pitchfork Media has a rating of 3.2 stars from 17 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Pitchfork Media ranks 12th among Music Downloads sites.