Pretty, easy to navigate site. Lots of delicious recipes, hints, coupons, etc. The websites of all major food manufactures are usually pretty good and very well done. Two others you might like: and (for all you cranberry lovers.)
I've gotten a lot of things through pillsbury by collecting the barcodes and sending em in for collectables like a large stuffed pillsbury doughboy (that took a lot of boxed cakes mix hahaah). I think one day these things can be worth alot fo money if i choose to sell them on ebay for my grandchildren's college funds.
The recipes, coupons are easy to use but the best part is the Dancing Doughboy. You make him do a dance and my 2 year old grandson laughed so hard he made us laugh til we cried!
I bought the brownie mix, followed the directions and it was the oilesr brownies ever. It called for 2/3 cup of oil and 1/4 cup of water with 2 eggs. They were awful!