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This is just one huge ad-supported site with an annoyingly flaming-gay touch. If I want trash/gossip news, I go to TMZ. Perez has a history of being very viscous to people and is a disgrace to the gay community!

Date of experience: November 18, 2011
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Lately I've been finding that TMZ has all the gossip that Perez has, but sooner and without all the self-obsessed BS that Perez feels the need to include in every post. I used to be more into this site, but it seems like it's losing its appeal. Plus, I don't care at all about the Z-list stars he continually talks about. Sometimes it's better to do fewer but more relevant updates than spam your site with crap no one cares about.

Date of experience: February 18, 2011
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Interesting publications. I always read and look forward to new ones. The design of the site is cool and bright. I found this site a month ago. For month I have been reading your posts in the morning and evening after work. It relaxes me.

Date of experience: December 6, 2023
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I don't know why but i just find this guy's website to be extremely annoying and wish people would stop obsessing over celebrities and such and put more time and effort into more meaningful things in life.

Date of experience: March 16, 2010
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Follow watchdoc B.
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This is not "information", this is not based on "fact", this is not "reality", need I go on? This is run by a "ego maniac" who thinks everything he/she (really hard to tell what this is) say's is interesting or newsworthy! In reality, Perez is a "never-was" and no one has ever taken anything it's said seriously. Perez, your 15 minutes were up 14 minutes ago!

Date of experience: December 2, 2013
63 reviews
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I can't decide if I love or hate this site. I use to be addicted to it until I read a really mean and hateful article. And I decided not to support it for about a year. But best friend has been talking about Perez a lot so I started reading it now and then again. There is a lot of garbage—cattiness and obnoxiousness, but Perez does seem to be the FIRST to post stories that I will later hear on

Any other good celebrity news/gossip sites?

Date of experience: July 19, 2010
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I love this site!
August 5, 2011

I love this site! Between this and facebook make up the majority of my internet time. He does have alot of gossip or media news first before any other site.

Date of experience: August 5, 2011
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Worst website i've come across! Everyone knows its a $#*! website but people still go on it because he talks so much $#*!. I honestly dont know why its still up its a source of $#*!ty "entertainment"

Date of experience: May 7, 2014
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September 27, 2020

My first stop for every accurate celebrity gossip and stories, straight to the point and less ads on the website making it fun to read. I love the site

Date of experience: September 24, 2020
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I used to like it about 4 years ago but it hasn't been as good in the last 2-3 years. I think the blogger is overextended with other projects. Good pictures usually but the comments aren't the best.

Date of experience: December 10, 2013


Perezhilton has a rating of 3.6 stars from 16 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Perezhilton ranks 8th among Funny sites.