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In response to an earlier review, the decline of the site is because the guide, Stephen Wagner, is no longer writing for it, thus the site hasn't been updated since 5/2016. You can google his twitter if interested, i guess.
I too miss the old, especially the forums and those awesome few months where you could comment on True Tales. It was probably the best archive of esoteric and other fringe articles; truly one of a kind.

Date of experience: January 25, 2017
New Mexico
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I have no reason whatsoever to return to the paranormal info. Under the stewardship of Stephen Wagner, the True tales kept our family enthralled for years. Without his guidance, the stories have not been maintained or updated, and I no longer visit my favorite site. Terrible shame. Used to be one of the best anecdotal paranormal story sites around hands down. We don't even bother with it now.

Date of experience: March 10, 2017
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Come on, admit it!
February 21, 2010

Come on, admit it! We all like a good ghost story, don't we? I know I do. This website offers supposedly true ghost stories, Ouija board stories and just about anything paranormal including links for EVP's. It's got a good sized forum where you can talk about scary stuff or normal chatter.

I like this site because whether you're a believer or not, you can read the blogs and discuss them with each other and they have some rather interesting topics. Like today, they had a blog on Debunking the Bermuda Triangle. There's several categories to check out so if you've got some time to kill, stop in and take a look. You might enjoy it.

Date of experience: February 21, 2010
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This site used to be my go to site for paranormal stories, etc. Once upon a time, there was even a facility for site visitors to comment or advise on individual stories.

Now though, the quality has nosedived and public interaction has ended altogether. In earlier times when submissions were varied and many, only the best and vetted got through. Now, anything and everything is shared. There's a distinct feeling that the guy who runs it has completely lost interest and drive, as stories are fewer, poorer in quality and posted later every month. (It's mid-June and they're still showing May's stories as current.)

There are far better sites out there (specialist sub-Reddits in particular). Time to call it a day, methinks.

Date of experience: June 19, 2016
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Bad bad bad
March 5, 2021

Not good at all doesn't give me enough information the exiperment arent really interesting theey dont give enough information about the expirements.

Date of experience: March 5, 2021