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I saw afro kinky curly headband wig review of Papayahair headband wig on YouTube. I saw that the hair volume in the video is very large and the hair is very soft, which is exactly what I want. The price is not expensive. So I placed an order.
When I received it, the hair was the same as in the video, there was no big difference. I was really surprised that they also gave a lot of small gifts, such as hair bands, wig caps, small bow clips and so on.
I can be sure that I will buy here again and recommend it to friends.

Date of experience: July 21, 2021
1 review
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March 18, 2021

First of all, I want to say that the communication with the seller is very good! They always respond and try to give me the hair on time. The quality of this hair is a phenomenon! This is amazing, I like it. It is definitely worth your effort and you will not regret it. I will install the hair professionally and I am very excited. Will continue to buy from this seller.

Date of experience: March 18, 2021
1 review
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This hair is amazing and they have great customer service! I love my curly headband wig and it is really easy to maintain

Date of experience: April 14, 2021