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My boyfriend ordered a boat propeller from them and his order was shipped promptly and received as promised. Quality of product was great, they were there for him when he had questions and the prices were quite fair. He would definitely recommend the site to anyone. ;)

Date of experience: April 28, 2011
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Amazing results
December 16, 2019

Awesome customer service and the product has made a huge difference. Gets my tinny on the plane so much easier and I can plane at a lower speed than prior to fitting the Ozhydrofoil. Seems to steer a lot better also. Wish I bought one years ago. Quality product. Don't waste your time with other brands.

Date of experience: December 14, 2019
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Delivery of propeller
August 12, 2019

Thanks to the staff for their help with my purchase response and delivery was very good thanks again

Date of experience: August 11, 2019
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I was satisfied with the performance and I reached the right number of engine revolutions Thanks to the availability I found the right pitch which is not normally easy because not all manufacturers have the pitch with an increase of 1 but normally and with an increase of 2 which thus does not give the possibility of putting the right helix

Sono rimasto soddisfatto delle prestazioni è ho raggiunto il numero dei giri al motore quelli giusti Grazie alla disponibilità che ho trovato il passo giusto che normalmente non è facile perché non tutti i produttori hanno il passo a numerazione di incremento di 1 ma normalmente e con incremento di 2 che non da così la possibilità di mettere elica giusta

Date of experience: August 10, 2023