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This is a camping forum website. I joined this website 5 years ago and really enjoyed it and learned a lot from the membership at the time. The website has undergone an ownership change and become something else. It is now a pay site with limited use free memberships available. It is run and moderated with a heavy hand and if you say anything that the moderators disagree with your posts get deleted. Don't add pictures unless you want to lose control of them. You can't delete them without mod approval. Do not give them money! It's a "for profit" site now.

Date of experience: May 19, 2009
New York
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Joined this web site before I bought my Outback RV. It was owned by a guy in Texas who was wonderful and picked great guys to be moderators. He ruled with a gentle hand and it was a very family friendly site. You never had people flaming one another and if someone got a little close to the edge it was handled with tact behind the scenes. His wife got sick and a guy from the site bought it and over the last 3 years he has added friends as moderators who will call you out for any opinion that differs from their own. He has turned the site into one where if you are outside the clique, you can have no opinion and be publicly humiliated. Last week he began to charge $100 for being in an exclusive member where you basically get things you used to get for free by lying to the membership about the web site costs. Do not give money to this site! There are plenty of other sites where you can get great information for free.

Date of experience: May 19, 2009
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I joined this website in July 2007 when I was looking and later purchased my Outback TT. Though information was helpful in the beginning it was taken over by the Administrators, Moderators, and Favorite Clique that were negative, got off the topic of discussion, silly, and would publicly humiliate other members that were stating useful information on the subject topic. It sounds like high school and other had warned me, but I finally saw it after several months with my own eyes. As of recent, this is charging for information that you simply can find on several other great websites that are free to join. So if you want to purchase or own an Outback, seek information elsewhere for free... Just because it says doesn't mean they have the answers you are looking for with your Outback.

Date of experience: May 20, 2009
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What a Godsend this site has been! When we were searching for our first travel trailer we discovered this site and the help and resources have been invaluable to us. That was nearly four years ago, and we still visit every day! The folks are friendly, and unlike many sites out there, everybody respects each others opinions and gets along. The moderators do a great job keeping the site clean and family friendly. It's important to me knowing that if my daughter is looking over my shoulder she will not see anything inappropriate, and at Outbackers I know she will not. I guess some people call the moderators heavy handed for enforcing the rules, but I for one am glad they do. I know there have been some less than positive reviews on here, and I have to wonder what they are going to. It's sure not the site I know! My advice... Drop on in and join the fun!

Date of experience: July 21, 2009
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I was a member on this site and it was very useful, lots of great information, but as others have said there are other sites out there. A lot of the members have moved over to, which is a more generic site for camper lovers in general. Its in its infancy so only time will tell how it works out, but it looks like it has some promise.

Date of experience: March 29, 2011
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I used to get most of my camping knowledge from this website and the great community, but now they charge $100 to be an exclusive member. Don't they make enough money off of all the advertisements? Do they have to charge us money as well? What happened to this site?

Date of experience: July 26, 2009
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Follow Leon C.
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This website was one of the best camping site's on the internet. It was run by one of the nicest camping family who were from Texas. About two years ago the owner's wife became ill and he did not have the time the site needed to keep it operating the way it should so he handed it off to one of the members he thought would take care of it like he would have. Boy did he pick the wrong person. It is run like a dictatorship and he is charging $100 to be a charter member for the things that use to be free. There were plenty of donations coming in to support the site and keep it up with money left over. If you say anything against or disagree with the ownership or moderators your post gets deleted and you get reprimanded in front of the whole membership. I would suggest you stay away from this site entirely.

Date of experience: May 20, 2009
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This site is the best! It is a very active site that boasts over 6000+ members across the US! This site has been active for the past 7 years! Originally, yes, the site was open for Outback RV's, but, thats changed and it now has many members joining with many other brands of RV's. All are welcome. The site is one of the few sites that does provide for a family oriented atmosphere. I feel comfortable here as the site is well moderated and has rules in place to keep things under control. Since joining, I have met lots of great people from all over the US and have also camped regularly with some close to home.In addition to camping, the site does provide for its members to organize rallies which are a filled with lots of activities and great food!. It really is a great site and believe it will only get better. So, please stop by and check out - come join the family!

Date of experience: April 20, 2011
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I have been a member for many year. The site has gone down hill in the last few years. New owner too over the site to make money. Now they charge for thing that were free just to make a buck. He fills there heads full of crap, many who don't have a clue on web site cost. There is no way he will ever need that much money to run a site this size. His moderators run the site like the russians.
You can't have free opions if they disagree with anything you say.
I say it was one of the best site around 5 years ago.
Now i only visit to see them make an $#*! of themselfs..

Date of experience: May 20, 2009
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This website is run by the most arrogant man on this earth. If you join this website you can only do what he tells you to do, and you have no rights. In the last year or so he has run more members off then has joined

Date of experience: June 3, 2009


Outbackers has a rating of 2.9 stars from 18 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Outbackers ranks 5th among Camping sites.