It didn't ask me to sign up, to download anything you just upload the file you want to convert and it downloads the final file to your PC. Perfectly. So far I have not experienced any weird viruses or havne't noticed any other suspicious downloads from them. Hopefuly i never will. So far they work like a charm without having to thru all kinds of hassle like on other sites. Awesome tool. Thank you online convert guys!
Online-Convert works as an all-in-one converter site in respects to image, archive, video, audio, ebook, webservice, document. You can upload your source file from local, cloud storage and URL. There is a search box at top right, which helps you to check if the conversion type you need is supported by the service. What's more, it is free for use. I have not came across any virus or malware download on So I think it is a reliable and safe web-based converter.
I does simply not work for me
It downloaded a 7 minute long mp3 of a robot reading random letters.
Now i think i have a virus...