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Net als duizenden anderen vertrouwde ik domweg mijn geld toe aan Juno, denkend dat ze net zo veilig waren als elke andere online bank. Hoe fout zat ik. Ik had $ 5.000 gestort op Juno toen het Synapse-debacle begon en alle rekeningen werden geblokkeerd. Juno nam niet eens de moeite om mij hiervan op de hoogte te stellen. Hulde aan het team van privédetectives dat mijn zaak kon oplossen en mijn geld terugkreeg, ik zal graag meer delen over mijn procedures om elk slachtoffer van dit bedrijf te helpen. Mijn e-mailadres staat op mijn profiel

Date of experience: February 16, 2025
New York
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Juno formerly OnJuno
September 24, 2022

OnJuno suddenly and inexplicably froze my account and the assets in them. This has been going on since March 30th. It Is now May 23rd, and they have completely stopped answering me on all communication channels, whether phone or email or chat. I have even been in contact with the cofounder of the company and despite his reassurances, only part of my assets were returned. They are attempting to steal my crypto deposits valued over $10,000. I just want my crypto deposits back. I can't believe a company this young would be scamming early users like this, it's just wrong.

Date of experience: September 24, 2022
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April 5, 2022

On Juno is my favorite company to purchase from. There shower heads and Touchless faucets are just 2 of my favorite products from them. Will continue to recommend to friends and family

Date of experience: April 5, 2022