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Whoever thought of selling old stock certificates as collectibles? This is a really neat collectible that touches on history, finance, and art. sells old stocks and bonds from tons of themes - railroad, automotive, aviation, and more. It is pretty cool to see original stocks from the 1800's as well as modern, well-known companies. Pieces that I browsed - Trump, Playboy, US Steel, Pennsylvania Railroad, and the variety sets. There are hundreds to view at a range of prices (novelty to very rare). There are support pages to explain the hobby, research old stocks, and about the company. There is even a blog on company events and new products.

The company has recently overhauled their website so it is much easier to navigate. Each product has been updated to give a complete company history. The site upgrade is a huge improvement over previous versions. Shipping is flat rate via Priority mail but no international shipping. The front page is decently organized with featured, popular, and new items highlighted.

Date of experience: September 24, 2015