North Star Bison

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North Carolina
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Ordered a few times from them. Actually it was really nice they sent it super fast and they have so many options to choose from. However, i'm only giving 4 stars because unless you're looking for AGED meat, the quality is not what you would expect. Their "fresh" and "non-aged" meat is absolutely AGED all to hell. Sure it's shipped right after it's CUT, but it's cut like 4 weeks after the animal has been hanging in a cellar. It's just as aged as the aged meat. The packs are purple and pink, not bright red as they should be and as the photos on their website display them. They taste aged when you go to cook them... save for a few soup bones all the red meat is aged.

Date of experience: February 16, 2022
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After placing my 1st order with Northstar Bison, I can not buy meat or cheese products from the grocery store again. I'm now placing my 4th order.
The quality, price and quantity you get from this company is unmatched by any store in your local area. They have done the research for you and have found the best ranchers and farmers out there to fill your frig. Even putting the new online butcher sites to shame. Go with and stay with the original site for this type of product.

Date of experience: July 12, 2021