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I came here to write this review because I forgot to check on my domain for a long time, and I got an email that it had expired. I groaned and cursed myself, convinced that I'd probably have to pay $40+ above and beyond the standard fee to get it renewed now, if they would even let me at all. 1and1, GoDaddy, et. Al. Had trained me to expect the worst in bureaucracy and fees.

So I go to renew before the probation period is up, ready to take a hit to my bank account for the privilege of getting my own site back. I went through the checkout only to see that they were only charging me the standard fee. I did a double-take, convinced I was mistaken, but no. They don't charge you extra if you renew during the mandated grace period.

They are more expensive than standard registrars, but if you're not a domain squatter with thousands of names, that shouldn't matter to you anyway. Their business is DNS hosting (which they've been exemplary at), not domain registration. They don't feel the need to gouge customers because they're not mainly a middle-man for ICANN.

The fact there aren't more reviews of them here should tell you something--people seem to be most vocal about a business when they've had a negative experience. There's no reason to speak up when you've been treated fairly.

Date of experience: February 21, 2015