Nexxa Digital Academy

Nexxa Digital Academy

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When it comes to choosing the right path, we often stumble and wonder if what we chose was the best. But during those times of doubt, focus on your heart and ask yourself how it feels as you continue down a certain path. After all, you chose that job specifically because it felt right to you in some way or another. We should try to remember that whenever we're considering other career paths too. Just because something has more money or other types of benefits doesn't necessarily mean that it's for us. So when trying to find the ‘right fit' job for yourself, look towards things other than just salary and benefits unexpectedly, because research shows us that people who are happiest at their jobs place emphasis on the company culture rather than getting a massive paycheck!

Date of experience: November 23, 2021
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Good Article
March 22, 2022

Affiliate marketing can be described as any kind that digital marketers use. It's a type of relationship or partnership between two parties in which an online retailer pays an affiliate a percentage for each of their referral transactions.

Date of experience: March 22, 2022