The gameplay community is truly toxic as others have noted. The NS card game is particularly obnoxious. Bugs are built in which are exploited by the developers/mods who somehow are allowed to participate in play. This gives them great advantage. If you manage to do well, they'll eventually change the metrics and wreck your standing. Abusive tactics are commonly used against a depleted pool of competing players. Not worth it.
I love the idea of a nations and war simulator; however, this takes it to the next level! The graphics are intense and the voice acting is potent. I've been a big big fan of these games for a long time. This is worth the $60 I payed!
Would recommend to my friends!
The game was okay, it is a cool idea because it allows you to simulate your own country. However, the moderation team ruined the experience. My friends and I were kicked out of the WA because we ran different states on a computer (nobody had more than 1) because they did not have a computer. I get that they can't detect the amount of people on a device, but they should use emails to see if people have more than one country. Using a device is a bad way of doing it. Lastly, the interface was awkward and it was overall hard to navigate and the WA system did not make much sense. If you are looking to play the game, I would advise not getting your hopes up very high. I hate how they kick out people and don't incentivize people to play, instead they make less people want to play. I would not recommend to most people except if you are a very big fan of wanting to 'run' a country (with weird issues).
I've been playing this game for months and it's so amazongly prepared. I love considering the pro's and con's of every decision, guessing what will result from each action, and I love how you are able to add to the game if you have a good idea to submit. This game is going places! I hope, no I know that I will enjoy it for many more years!
What I adore about this game is the fact that it forces you to think about a lot of complicated political ideas to which you would normally not get any exposure. Since the issues are submitted by the community they sometimes reflect current events and force you to decide. It shouldn't be taken too seriously though because it tends to satirize pretty much everything or over-exaggerate the consequences.
The NationStates mods, despite the game itself being good, make this worth less than 1 star. They are on a never-ending power trip and will insult you and harass you for the slightest disagreement. They will threaten you and censor you. If you slightly differ from the status quo you will be punished.
It makes you answer complicated issues such as "should children be allowed to sell lemonade" and there are options you can agree with which usually are about a paragraph, once you have made you decision you usually will receive a satiric reply to answers depending on what of the opinions you agree with, there are hundreds of different things in youur nation every answer you do will effect! You get a new issue every 6 hours, and there are THOUSANDS of issues (i checked and there are 1519 unique issues) would reccomend! Below are some funny moments i have taken from the website so far
This game is amazing. It has a fantastic community, great gameplay, and the meta games (such as the cards mini game, R/D, and the WA), all make it amazing. Would play forever!
The moderators pretend they are god, never give second chances, and are extremely uppity. The game itself is overrated and still is prone to crashes and has terrible 2000s graphics.
Banned words: "Glenn Beck, CuckingFunt, Sperglord"
I run 92 Nations based on me, tomi lahren, and otherz.
Some people are annoying, if you make a region and leave it unguarded it gets "invaded".
NationStates has a rating of 2.4 stars from 16 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. NationStates ranks 27th among Role Playing Games sites.