MyLead Affiliate Network

MyLead Affiliate Network

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MyLead is one of the most innovative network in the industry right now! Tons of great offers, amazing looking custom dashboard with a bunch of unique features.

Also they support much more payment methods than any other networks, can just vouch for these guys!

Date of experience: December 1, 2023
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Few words about Mylead.
November 23, 2018

I started making money in ML a few months ago. My earnings have increased considerably. Advertising creations, banners, web tools and lot of programs - thats everything what we need to making money.

Date of experience: November 23, 2018
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I thought that is another one scam website, but I was wrong. They are professional earners and mentors. Very helpful people, they resolve your tech problems as fast as possible. I am very satisfied of working with them

Date of experience: November 25, 2018
New Zealand
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So first I just tested them. And then I earned more than my salary in a week :D They are awesome teachers how to make money online, they are patient and competent, treating user like a friend, not like a problem. Highly recommend them to anyone!

Date of experience: November 25, 2018
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Banned for no reason
February 15, 2020

They will ban your account when you almost reach the minimum to get paid out. It sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks

Date of experience: February 15, 2020
Bartosz M. MyLead Affiliate Network Rep
over a year old

Hi Kerro
Your account has been banned due to not following MyLead rules - generating frauds. Unfortunately, fraud is not allowed on both MyLead and any other affiliate network.

We wish you a nice day. Best regards, Bartek, MyLead.

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April 19, 2020

Hello guys... am now at mylead and its not really handly on my side...
I promoted an offer Amazon Gift Card which is a CPL email submit offer... and customers have been going through my link but am not been paid/credited on my balance... don't really know the offer that can pay and which is easy!..

Date of experience: April 17, 2020
Bartosz M. MyLead Affiliate Network Rep
over a year old

Contact us directly on MyLead - we will help you;)

Best resgards, Bartek, MyLead.

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February 21, 2020

I started working with MyLead a year ago. At first, I worked on dating and 18+ offers, but since I tried crypto offers I've been working only on them. Cooperation with MyLead brings great results, but you have to try and work hard.

Date of experience: February 21, 2020
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November 26, 2018

Great network with great attitude to publisher, great offers, great tools and great support. Using their platform and tools is completely free, and you can earn money on their campaigns. If you get that opportunity why don't you try them?

Date of experience: November 25, 2018
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MyLead is 100% legit!
June 17, 2022
Updated review

A couple of days ago I received my payment of $600 directly to my bank account from MyLead! The payment was quite fast and easy! Their support helped me really fast and proceeded with my payment immediately! Special thanks to Oleksii and Maciej for their guidance and help! I will definitely use them again! Hopefully, I will get even better!

Date of experience: June 17, 2022

My lead is the best network to waste your time!
February 21, 2022
Previous review

If you are looking for a network to waste your time and not get paid then MyLead is for you. I have promoted Skillshare, a campaign that is disabled right now.My leads had been pending for more than 4 months and finally last week my earnings got redeemable. One of the members of the support staff has been harassing me since the day I asked about my leads and wanted to get paid.The same guy, as you can see on the screenshots wants me to go bring 30 high-quality leads in order to get paid.He wants me to promote offers that I do not know how to promote. Cool guy in general. I am so happy that I did not waste any money to promote Skillshare. Even though I followed all the rules and I also provided them with traffic proof, I still did not get paid.Of course, the guy who accused me of fraud, he did not provide any proof that I cheated, and probably his ego does not allow him to accept that he is wrong and he has to block my withdrawal. By the way, he cannot provide any proof of fraud because there is no fraud.It would be more ethical to ban me than ask me to go get 30 quality sign-ups in order to get paid. That reminds me of some scam sites that ask you for a number of referrals in order to get paid. I also do not know what he means about the quality of my leads since he does not talk a lot and his English is so poor.In general, talking to them and trying to explain it is a waste of time. MyLead team if you read this, go ban my account but do not ask me to do work for you for free. I am sure that even if I bring 30 high-quality leads there will be no assurance that I will get paid since Oleksii might not like them. Their support is so poor and accusing others is probably their talent. Also, the payouts and the time you have to wait are longer compared to other CPA Networks. Please take a look at the screenshots, I posted them to prove to you what that professional affiliate manager told me and how shamelessly he lied to me and he basically admitted that to me as you can read. Furthermore, it is not hard to buy reviews from microtask sites and pretend you are legit. I would like to try to explain but I know I will be ignored.To conclude this, MyLead team go ban me I do not even care, you are not Maxbounty or CPA Lead you are an abomination, and Oleksii you need psychotherapy as soon as possible or at least a good English teacher. I would really appreciate it if MyLead can provide any proof to prove me wrong. That is all I had to say. Have a nice day everyone and thanks for reading my review.

Date of experience: February 21, 2022

MyLead is the best network to waste your time!
February 15, 2022
Previous review

If you are looking for the best affiliate network to waste your time then MyLead is for you.My leads have been pending for like 4 months and whenever I ask them when my leads are going to be validated I receive the same answers: Please be patient, We are waiting for the advertiser's report and so on.The funny thing is that one of the support staff(by the way their support is so unprofessional, unfriendly and barely speaking English) said that my leads are high-risk fraud with no evidence and he even admitted that he lied to me so I can show him my traffic source. Really funny.In the begging when I joined they seemed nice and a legit affiliate network but even the reviews must be paid. They never helped me with the promotion and they only support their advertisers, not publishers. I do not care about the money I earned which is not a lot, I am writing this review because they say they are a legit network with friendly and professional support.If you read this review, just be careful and skeptical when you join. MyLead team if you read this, go ahead and ban me. I know that you were never going to pay me anyway. Also, their pay rates are much lower compared to other CPA networks and their payment process much slower. That's all I had to say! Have a great day!

Date of experience: February 15, 2022
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November 4, 2018

One of the best affiliate networks in Poland. They have got not only all necessary promoting tools but also many innovative programs and LPs. Contact with support is one of their strengths. It cannot be rated below 5

Date of experience: November 2, 2018


MyLead Affiliate Network has a rating of 3.3 stars from 26 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with MyLead Affiliate Network most frequently mention and money online. MyLead Affiliate Network ranks 8th among Affiliate Programs sites.
