Mom Confessions

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Lynn C.
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Admin seems to play favorites and the women in the news and politics are beyond childish. So much $#*!ing and too many rules. They also have a group called fight corner where anything goes and private info is shared and passed around about other members. Vile attacks and the anonymous button doesn't work. The site is a complete joke.

Date of experience: November 5, 2019
Skip A. Mom Confessions Rep
over a year old

I don’t have favorites, sometimes a member is banned for continually breaking guidelines. Members are allowed back on a probationary period after a permanent ban if they message me instead of creating new accounts to try and get around the ban. No private information is shared. Any pii that may be posted is deleted immediately. The anonymous button works well for the group that it was created for. It’s still somewhat new and has bugs in other groups. The site is made for entertainment so I will take it being a complete joke as a compliment.

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Feel the Love
November 25, 2019

Momconfessions is a entertaining forum for mothers to anonymously gather online and share life stories, sometimes real, sometimes tall tales.

It's a wonderful way to procrastinate a long to-do list and build your confidence that no matter how hard motherhood is, there are moms out there that
1) get you & validate that the struggle is real OR
2) are actually screwing up worse than you are.
Either way, it's reassuring.

The admins are responsive, helpful & not biased. It is certainly not always a warm fuzzy place of unconditional support. But there are nice mix of kind & compassionate posters, with enough crazy, cruel or shocking posters sprinkled in to keep the site a bit surprising & aggravating, so you reload the page & justify your stance, when you know deep down, you should be logging off...

Highly recommend mothers peruse the site and post a hello to escape the mundane life of rearing children of any age!

Date of experience: November 25, 2019
New Mexico
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Fun Place To Hangout
November 27, 2019

Mom Confessions was created a year and a half ago after Cafemom closed their forums. At the time, it was one of several sites Cafemom members migrated to. The site is easy to use, with is a great plus. The site owner and admins are responsive to questions and concerns that get brought up, with is another great plus. The members, as a whole, are a great bunch, but like any other site there are those random few that are jerks. I'm not sure where the one star review comes from, but that okay. I'm willing to give this site a five star review.

Date of experience: November 26, 2019
New York
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Skip has done a wonderful job running the site and dealing with website issues asap. She has always been very very fair when dealing with evil, lying, manipulative, vindictive narcissistic aholes that make numerous accounts in order to make nasty rude replies to other members. Some of these women never graduated middle or high school and have the vocabulary and mindset of tweens and teens.
It doesnt help when butthurt lying twitty twats like Lynn C cant be an adult and address any issues she may have about the site with the owner. Instead she makes a FALSE review on SiteJabber which shows how immature she is.
Momconfessions was created for the members of Cafemom when it shut down the forums on May 24,2018 by another CM. She didnt have to do this and she didnt have to spend her own money either.
Grown mature adults should be able to interact on a website together without resorting to childish antics but apparently Lynn C's mother didnt teach her that.

Date of experience: November 25, 2019
New Hampshire
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An amazing site for mom's
November 25, 2019

I love this site so much. It feels like home after Cafemom shut down. Skip has put so much time and money into making it what it is.

Date of experience: November 25, 2019
Chrissy I.
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Love This Place!
November 26, 2019

Great little spot to share, vent, or just browse.

Skip does a wonderful job keeping this hang out going strong!

Date of experience: November 25, 2019