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I love Clipper ships because of their majestic ethereal beauty. So, when I found Model Expo, I thought I had struck "paydirt." Even the ad said, "if you have problems call. We're here to help. If you break a piece, we'll send you another." However, every call was condescending and a pitch to buy more. I purchased two sets of instructions because I was told they were extra and the booklet was all I would need. I have built solid hull ships before and the plank on frame seemed like the next logical progression. This is where I began to face problems. Next, I had to buy more accruements to make sure the frame was straight. Then the planks did not lay flat because they were too thick. Now instead of a piece of art, I have a box of overpriced sticks. There is an old joke about a boat. A boat is something you buy only to continually pour more and more money into it with no reward. I especially did not appreciate that I was sold two sets of instructions, one came in the box and the other in a huge 5' by 4" tube. Besides being disappointed with myself for failing something new, I was more dismayed that I had invested so much time and money with nothing to show for it. Like the old Twilight Zone "To Serve Man" where the lady says "It's a cookbook."

Date of experience: November 30, 2023