Dominate your fantasy drafts! - I used this site for its free features, which included its articles and 3 free mock drafts (real time drafts with other online drafters that are conducted for practice or fun) in the week leading up to my "real" drafts. It really helped me prepare in terms of how I would react in certain situations, which players I was targeting that I needed to reach for and how soon, which players seemed to be falling late in drafts and therefore could be bargains or sleepers, which players were overhyped, etc. It's great for novices because you can make mistakes without having to live with your mistakes all season, but even better I think for losers like myself who are obsessed with fantasy sports. It even emails you the results of each mock draft you do, and gives an estimate as to how you will finish the season in the standings given each player's projected stats.
Unfortunately, you can't get the ADP (Average Draft Position) reports and you are limited to 3 drafts in a given week unless you pay 3.99$ for the month. That's a pretty reasonable price, but if you're cheap like I am, you could always split it with a friend and use each other's log ins, then email the ADP reports to each other.