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Very disappointing in its "Military Discounts" section. Always viewed as sacrosanct military discounts have always been fair and square. This web site actually does not host its own discounts but are from others - like a mirror site. A recent ATT discount proved to be completely false and after losing over $450 they claimed they are not responsible for the discounts posted on their web site. Huh? Why even post them?

Date of experience: October 27, 2010
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Report Review provides readers with a lot of information pertaining to military activity but is clearly aligned with the mainstream media and left-leaning biases sweeping through the military. Good resource to find out about military pay issues and MWR incentives... other than that don't waste your time with this subjective propaganda machine. Note to editorial staff: shame. Thanks for contributing to the division and weakening of what once was the most formidable military force on the planet. Glad you can line your pockets though #yougotyours

Date of experience: December 23, 2022