Metropolitan Museum of Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Shipping takes WEEKS
November 12, 2023

They have some nice, if overpriced, items. But if you need an item for a special occasion, here's a pro tip: order a couple of months in advance. Not only does shipping take an ETERNITY, their customer service is horrid--no one replied to any of our e-mails requesting status. We were about to ask our bank to do a chargeback when the battered package showed up on our doorstep. The MMA thinks they are very special, but they sure don't ACT like it.

Date of experience: November 12, 2023
New York
10 reviews
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Easy to order from giftshop, and the sales are excellent. Pictures give good visuals of what you are getting. Love the customer favorites.

Date of experience: December 28, 2011