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Most of my time at Mesquite High School was decent. I liked most of my teachers. But there was "teacher" that I had that liked to make my life miserable. One time, when I politely disagreed with Ruth Newhouse on a political topic, she became very angry and went on a rant where she told me I was stupid in front of my fellow classmates. Being raised to respect the authority of her title as a teacher I apologized to her even though I had done nothing wrong. But unfortunately, my apology didn't help, for from then on, she would spend the next few months making rude and snide remarks about my views, opinions, and my physical appearance.
During my senior year in school, I was a very skinny but tall person who had some very bad scars on my face due to my horrible acne and an accident I was in when I was about ten. Well, one time when she was rattling off the hallmarks of a psychopath she said to the class, "Also, one of the signs that a man is a psychopath is that they have serve acne scars due to the fact that they have a high level of testosterone in their body." She then pointed to me and said, "You know, like Tim here." I pretended not to be offended. I just sat there with a neutral expression on my face. I never told the head principal, the deans or counselor about this verbal abuse because they wouldn't have really care, after all, I was not a jock so I was of little importance to them.
Mrs. Ruth Newhouse, you were and probably still are a horrible person. If you can't tolerate it when a person has a different opinion or viewpoint that is counter to yours, you shouldn't go into a profession in which you have to deal with other humans. Only a full grown adult with the emotional intelligence of a bitter eight year old would pick on a defenseless teenager who couldn't control the way they looked. To me, I will always just remember you as an angry piece of white trash with a psychology degree that didn't help your unbalanced mental state.

Date of experience: September 9, 2020