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Love this place!
April 29, 2023

McAlisters has a rewards program that gives you points for referring people and you can give them your referral code for signing up. If you click share, it gives you a prepopulated paragraph to give to people. Which follows as:
Use my referral code to sign up on the McAlister's app and get a free treat plus start earning points with McAlister's Rewards.
Referral Code: Miriai*****
I've gotten enough to get 2 meals, they don't come with drinks, which amounts to 1500 pints each. You can also earn points when placing orders. I've gotten multiple free teas just from placing orders. I love the peach tea! The Ruben from here is the best one I've gotten from a resturaunt. My son loves the King Club and the mac n cheese.

Date of experience: April 23, 2023