Max Performer

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I have spent the last few years testing different brands of Male Enhancement Supplements and Max Performer is by far the most powerful supplement that I have tested. My libido and erections have increased by over 200% and the sensations during sex are intense for me and my girlfriend. We are getting married soon and this is going to help keep our relationship strong.

Date of experience: June 28, 2017
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Maxperformer is good beyond my dreams. I'm 64, sexually active regularly, and for ten years now I have needed help with the advance of ED. I'm generally in good health, but for a while have not been able to keep it up unaided. Viagra works of course but it only sorts 'the plumbing' and my issues have related to reducing libido and all that. For about six years I have been venturing into the crazy world of herbal Vs and daily dose herbal based enhancers. Many are useless, some have helped me very much. But Maxperformer. It's in a different league, guys! Sometimes I look at my equipment and think, 'Is that some other dude?' My woman, as I come into her, says things like, "Oh that is good; that IS good!" - and that's just the beginning. And, waking with great wood until falling asleep at the end of the day I feel: Masculine. Confident. Admiring of feminine beauty. Calm. Ready. I'm not looking for anything else now.

Date of experience: January 15, 2018