Falsely claim they will credit back for leads that do not lead to paying clients. False. Complete wast of money and time, as every single "lead" was a person wanting free legal advice who had no money to hire an attorney. Yet, Martindale Nolo declined to credit back any of the leads, despite having told me, before I signed up, that any lead that didn't turn into a paying client would be credited back. Serious scammers.
Craig Lambert is a waste of money. He does not do what he says he's going to do. Innocent project Is bull crap! He doesn't care about anyone but his pocket book. Craig Lambert set a price for my parents to help my brother. He never went to see my brother two years later promised to go see him never did then sent me an email telling me to send him 1000 to his cash app and he would go see him in the same breath. He said there's no reason to go see him. Now he has put in to be withdrawn from the case the judged signed it. We couldn't even explain our side of the story to the judge. Therefore, my parents are out $15,000 no money to Pay for a new lawyer. I honestly would not recommend him because he is money hungry. I have added a photo of him because there are a lot of attorneys with the last name Lambert. I have emails. I have letters to show our side. He doesn't care about anyone. Talks the talk but Can't walk the walk.
Craig Lambert
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 839
Heber Springs, AR *****
We are a law firm in New York. We purchased a program from them pursuant to which they were supposed to provide us with legitimate case leads for two practice areas - motor vehicle accidents and personal injury cases. After two months, we didn't receive a single usable lead. Most of these so-called leads were stale - they were months and in some cases, years old. After you attempt to contact the leads, you have to then request credit, but their process is automated and doesn't always issue credit. Their customer service is horrendous. No one responds to phone calls or emails. I receive one stock email telling me I could cancel the monthly auto-renewals, but I could not get a refund. Even though I had a large account balance, they continued to charge my credit card each month for more leads.
This is supposed to be a reputable company with a long history, but this program is a total sham. It is a fraud and should be shut down or sanctioned.
AVOID this is worse than burning cash - WASTE of TIME - UNFAIR... This is borderline worthless and possible misleading - Martindale nolo begged for a lawyer of Davidson county - adn it cut its leads fee from $72 per by 33 % to about $47. Injury referrals. Promising 20 leads per month and numerous good cases... after a week - 4 leads - NONE respond to ANY calls or texts - 2 persona later said they DID NOT ASK for a lawyer and one phone # finally verified - it was not her name or request - person also claims NUMEROUS phone calls from this. I wonder if these are actual leads or if Nolo is taking other information I asked for a refund or lead CREDIT -- NOTHING offerd - NOLO Martindale REFUSES - they know this is a border line... -- same company same problems it had a few years ago when ran as "internet marketing" - THEY REFUSE to REFUND my $742 PAID UP FRONT credit card fee... comments are my opinion adn based on my experience - BEWARE They know this is a bad service READ other REVIEWS over past year.