Marriage Fitness

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May 6, 2018

This program was straight forward and it worked. Mort has a way if keeping it simple yet effective. I did the Lone Ranger track, and could see a shift in my wife relatively quickly. Mort gives all the tools you need to be successful. Thank you!

Date of experience: May 5, 2018
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Mort has done an incredible work with marriage fitness! He turned human relationships into real science! What he accomplishes is to reveal a better version of *you* and that can have a "magical" effect on your marriage and save it. Of course this also affects all human relationships so you will benefit even if you don't manage to save your relationship, this time. It will certainly help you for the next one!

Not all of us were lucky enough to learn how to be in a healthy relationship as we might had wrong input from the relationship our parents had. And that is what we reproduce, as we don't know an alternative, so, it's normal to fail in the same way our parents did. Mort teaches us exactly that thing - the behaviour we should adopt in order to have a healthy relationship and be... happy! He offers a priceless asset for us!

I did the marriage fitness back in 2009 and it literally changed my life. I am extremely grateful to Mort and will always be!

Date of experience: June 7, 2018
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I didn't believe it at first, but it works. My wife and I separated for 7 months. The first three were horrible. We tried to fix things by talking about all the things that we needed to change. What we would do if this or that happened again. It just drove a bigger wedge between us. We weren't even talking when I started the course. Not to long in, she started to notice the change. We were spending time together without focusing on the past. We were actually re-connecting on a much deeper level. We were creating something together. In a short time we went from not wanting to spend a minute together, to not wanting to spend a minute apart. This course works! Mort is amazing! Two years later our marriage is stronger than ever. Sure we have our disagreements here and there. But, it's how we manage those disagreements now. The love and passion we share for each other now has never existed in our relationship before. Thanks Mort! You are truly a blessing!

Date of experience: June 15, 2018
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June 6, 2018

We were separated and I truly wanted out of our marriage but I truly loved my husband, I just couldn't take what was happening any more. Morts advice, helpful recommendations, worksheets and conference calls were extremely valuable and worth every penny. We are back together and more in love than ever before. We absolutely cherish each other now! Thank you Mort for saving our marriage!

Date of experience: June 6, 2018
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Real improvements!
November 4, 2018

I am extremely impressed with the marriage fitness program. He turned human relationships into real science. I am extremely grateful to Mort and will always be! I am already seeing some real improvements in our marriage and blended family.

Date of experience: November 3, 2018
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Our marriage was dysfunctional from the start; but we stayed together for nearly 25 years - that's when my wife filed for divorce. In all honesty, I can't blame her - neither of us was happy. Sure, we got along much of the time, but it wasn't a loving marriage. It took her filing for divorce for me to find Mort Fertel. It took me working (very hard) and suffering whlle she proceeded with the divorce. Through Mort's program my marriage was not only saved, but replaced with something that I had only seen in movies. We will be celebrating 30 years this September and I can tell you with all of my being that the last 4 were better than the first 26. And, I can tell with all of my being, that Marriagemax - which we both still live by to this day - is the reason. Thank You, Mort.

Date of experience: May 25, 2018
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Follow Caroline M.
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I am forever grateful to Mort Fertel and would like to express my heart felt thanks for his wonderful support and guidance throughout the last 28 months.
Although I began to get immediate results as of the first 3 months of joining the program, which continued to move along in a positive way after 6 months and up to this day.

Mort Fertel was my spiritual guide who helped me through my darkest days. His voice and constant perseverance in his messages and advice made me stronger, wiser, patient, powerful and gave me back my confidence and most of all he educated me on topics that I was so ignorant of.

I am thrilled to report that My husband and I are back on track and take nothing for granted and work each day on our beautiful relationship. My husband has been so remorseful towards his actions and the hurt that he has caused to myself and our children and has become a better person in understanding the psychology behind an emotional/ sexual affair with its devastating results.
Of course I did work a lot on fixing from my side which was also very much needed and helped us come full circle.

Dear Mort I will miss you and please note you will always be part of my life.

Thank you once again for all that you do and wish you continued success in your great work with helping so many people around the world.
Warmest hugs & regards,

Caroline MacIver

Date of experience: May 16, 2018
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So much thought and promise in the Marriage Fitness Bootcamp. Incredible tools and support! I appreciate all the work, time and effort Mort provided to my wife and I. It was just too late for us.

Date of experience: August 8, 2018
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Follow Darlene T.
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I am so glad I came across Mort Fertel during an internet search. My husband had left me and wanted a divorce after 29 years. I was devastated, but I found Mort Fertel and devoured his materials and put everything into practice consistently. My husband moved back home. However, It was a difficult 9 months to true reconciliation as I had to keep putting Morts principles into practice when I received no confirmation that my husband and I were really making progress, even though he was home. Morts emails, teleconferences, and materials always had just the right word for me to keep going and working on my marriage. Eventually, my husband loved me again and we celebrated a great 30 year anniversary a year after he had intially asked for a divorce! It has now been 16 months since we reconciled and all is very well! I have learned so much from Mort! My marriage is great now! I will always be grateful that Mort was there to give me guidance and advice! He and his program are a true God send! It truly saved my marriage!

Date of experience: May 30, 2018