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New York
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I went online to buy two easels, and had added two easels to my cart when I decided not to get them after all. Unfortunately, my phone chose that time to resize the screen, and I hit Buy instead of Remove. I called to cancel the order, but there was no answer because it was a Sunday. I left a message, but still got the order confirmation the next day before it was to ship.
I replied to the confirmation email asking them to cancel the order, and it was cancelled and my money returned in less than half an hour. I didnt actually get anything from the site, but their quick and hassle-free cancellation impressed me.

Date of experience: April 10, 2014
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I ordered a kopykake projector from this site. I received a confirmation that it was shipping the next day and the money was withdrawn from my account. 2 weeks later, I still didn't have the projector. I called and they had forgotten to ship it. I did eventually get it and the projector is great but I wouldn't use their site again. I tried to leave a comment on their site about the issue and they won't publish it.

Date of experience: July 22, 2014