
How would you rate LovvBugg?
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I was nice. They didn't respond.
December 26, 2022

Reviewer: Mimi Baker from Creston, NC United States

BUYER BEWARE! Something is not right with this company. My tea set arrived without a lid, a tea cup missing, the basket was crooked and the packaging broken and crumpled as if it was used. I have spent over a month trying to get the company to respond to my request for a refund through emails and a facebook message. Their way of contacting them has changed in the mist of this. Please notice they do not give you a phone number to call. I would NEVER buy from this company again.

Date of experience: December 26, 2022
North Carolina
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The doll shoes I ordered were OK. The seller says she does her best to get good quality versions of American Girl doll accessories for less money, and I'm sure she does try. Evidently she has been in business for almost 20 years, so many others must approve. I would not buy from her again, however, because of the plastic quality of the few products I tried and because, when I questioned the safety of doll stands which pinched and could have marked my dolls, she became VERY argumentative, VERY defensive. She scared me away from continuing any communication by accusing me of expecting something for nothing, etc. It was not a pleasant experience and I am not willing to try again..

Date of experience: July 27, 2016
betsy a. LovvBugg Rep
over a year old

Just a troublemaker who thinks s/he is invisible on the internet. These sites are created to cause problems for sellers who must then spend money to get reviews removed or changed. The ebay site encourages discontent by offering free merchandise. You will find loads of plastic junk sold at very high prices by mattel / ag. Lovvbugg was created to make people happy and save them money. We work 7 days a week / 80+ hours a week and go for five month stretches without a single day off, all without a paycheck. You bet i'm defensive. It is a huge investment. The lowest prices in the free world do not have pad in them to pay for free product or exchanges. You need to go to neiman's for that, or some other big box store. We show accurate pictures and dimensions of the products up-front. All of the happy customers don't bother with kudos. There are always a few bad eggs. Free isn't good enough for some people.

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November 18, 2018

Items came in a box and were not enough wrapped! The items were of terrible quality! And when I complained - I heard nothing but excuses! Took me at least 10 emails to hear back! And when I did - they were rude! I paid a total of $ 12.50 for shipping and shipped back everything better than they shipped to me and they had the nerve to say I WAS unprofessional because of how I wrapped each item! At least I wrapped them! I still trying to get them to tell me how much they refunded me! 4 times I've asked them - they accused me of harassment! Just because I want to make sure they refunded everything the correct amount? And since it has not showed up as credit back yet? This company is unprofessional, rude, and sells crap! Never will I recommend or buy anything from them again. And if I don't hear from them today about my refund - I will be contacting the better business bureau! DONT BUY! Go to ESTY!

Date of experience: November 18, 2018
betsy a. LovvBugg Rep
over a year old

I hope the readers can see how difficult this customer was to deal with. She sent so many emails within a couple of hours, bouncing all over the place with her complaints. It is incredibly difficult to deal with this sort of barrage from one customer. ONE polite message is much easier to handle.

My husband, Richard, handles the shipping. I'm sure he was trying to save money on shipping expense. Our markups are low and every expense takes away from anything we'd have left over in the end. Nothing in the order was damaged! We charged less for shipping than it cost us. We don't refund outbound shipping in buyer's remorse cases. We don't know of a single store that will refund your gas or time to come buy or to return items. And it is very important to understand that ''free shipping'' is not free for the seller. A nice website doesn't mean we are a big box store!

This customer returned the items wrapped in toilet paper! I promise Lovvbugg will NEVER send items to you wrapped in toilet paper!

I am adding the following because it needs to be said somewhere! American customers just don't seem to understand:
From the small retailer's view--There are tons of time and expense before the sale. We have provided photos of the items, making it possible for the customer to inspect them carefully before buying. We try not to sell low-quality items. Please understand that we are in the business of making kids and collectors happy while SAVING them a ton of money! We have gone to considerable time and EXPENSE to:
1. FIND items, 2. PAID for them, 3. PAID to have them shipped to us, 4. Provided a HEAT/COOLED building to STORE them in, 5. Bought COMPUTERS and 6. CAMERA made PHOTOS, 7. Paid for a WEBSITE, 8. Put them ONLINE for sale, 9. Paid selling COMMISSIONS to website where item sold, 10. Paid to RECEIVE the money electronically, 11. SHIPPED the item(s) using SHIPPING MATERIALS (boxes-most are not free to us, envelopes, bubble pack), 12. REFUNDED the items. There are NO REFUNDS to us for any of those twelve expenses we PAID. We are not paid for our time. Most years we don't even turn a profit. Lovvbugg is just a big bunch of stuff that carries itself along, barely.

Almost all American retailers of physical products, whether online or walk-in, are facing possible failure because customer expectations have gotten to be unreasonable. Remember Toys-R-Us? And they probably didn't even own their inventory. Imagine their expenses! The biggest reason American retail is in trouble is that the internet has made it possible for customers to buy directly from the manufacturer, cutting out the retailer in the product's journey to the end user. Amazon is a perfect example of that.

At Lovvbugg, we are doing the best we can! The doll clothes and accessories business is dependent on foreign imports. No one in America will work for the low wages it takes to get this many hand-made items to the customer. Doll shoes are a great example. It takes a lot of good, expensive machinery and experienced hands to make the great shoes we have. American workers won't do that sort of thing so they come from overseas. We have purchased most styles in very large numbers. BUT beginning a couple of years ago the foreign factories began selling single items directly to American buyers for ridiculously low prices, lower than what we paid for them to be made for us in large numbers. And sewing, when I can find the time, is worth about $2 per hour. Foreign factories turn out millions of basic yoke, sleeveless doll dresses in many different fabrics by people on high-speed machines. Those workers were paid about 25 cents an hour a few years ago (I haven't kept up with it). Their postal system is providing them ''free shipping'' and our USPS delivers the packages!

Let's face it, kids' toys just are not considered important by most people. However, everyone wants a good/great deal. When our children were growing up I was surprised to learn most of the parents want to buy (what I consider to be) cheaply-priced junk toys because they will throw them away in a few years. A few discriminating parents will appreciate the fact that i try to supply items to please everyone--bargains for people who want cheap, disposable toys and bargains for people who are creating a real collection and won't throw it away because it WILL be an heirloom. It is the customer's responsibility to USE the pictures and descriptions to choose which items they prefer.

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This replica of a handheld toy game made for 18" dolls is the perfect size for American Girl, Journey Girl, as well as 15" - 18" sized stuffed animals. Looks just like the real thing and is in actuality a heavy-duty eraser. A little on the heavy side this eraser fits well in the AG doll's hand secured with a clear rubberband, especially in "New" American Girl boy doll Logan's hand. Opens & closes shut.

Date of experience: March 4, 2017
betsy a. LovvBugg Rep
over a year old

This is the kind of customer we wish for! Thank you!

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One Star is Generous
June 1, 2021

Save yourself time and hassle by avoiding this company at all costs. As in other reviews I read (after I ordered), they will not ship the items you order until you successfully track down their contact information and ask them to ship it. After several weeks, she had every excuse why it was not shipped, none of it making any sense, a shipping label was created. Now, you must try to contact them to actually take the package to the USPS. I was answered with blatant lies, condescending attitude and absolute rudeness. I do not understand why they operate under the guise of a business when the only thing they will do is refute horrid reviews, make up stories, and waste people's time. It would take so much less time and energy to just ship items that were paid for than to make up stories and answer every poor review with a smear of the customer. After a dispute was filed through PayPal, she refunded my money, stating I would have to pay her back when the post office actually did their job and delivered my order. I did receive the products when the tracking info showed the package delivered to the USPS from Lovvbugg. I immediately paid her and she continued with the "I told you so" BS. Now, a month later, she is demanding payment for the items I paid for! Just don't order from her. She is beyond rude and downright vicious.

Date of experience: June 1, 2021
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Wrong item, no response.
December 8, 2023

They sent the wrong item and then wouldn't respond to follow up emails about a refund or replacement. Avoid.

Date of experience: December 8, 2023