Please do not trust the reviews that review site gives on the lottery systems. He tells you false information, he is behind at least one of the scam systems named win lotto systems by a supposed professor... it's all fake! The site pushes scams, this is now been posted on many other review sites to warn people. The person controlling the reviews will only let you post a review good or bad if it agrees with his opinion of the system you are posting about, how ridiculous is that? That review site has tricked many people, even lies telling you it's someone else's fault if you catch them in a lie.
Review site is a Scam! The guy who operates the site is lying to people so they stay clear of lotto systems that he cannot make sales from. Three lotto systems recommended by him are now full out scams and he made money from them. Found out he sells his own lotto system called win lotto systems. He sells it under a different name a professor of some type. Lots of bad reviews stating this reviews place is very corrupt and i do agree. Using fake reviews to mislead the public is a dirty tactic, let all know not to trust
The review site states trusted reviews, then why are many people refused to post their honest reviews? Simply put, the owner only wants good reviews where he wants them and the same for bad reviews, so your honest reviews count for squat on that review site. In the background the owner of that review site really pushes a system Win Lotto Systems which is his system, yet he pretends it is not. This has been proven and a screen shot of the Whois is on another review site to show solid proof. Now what about the same system being banned from clickbank for being a fake system? This again shows the shady dealings on that review site.
I am very tired of getting scammed by these shady review sites, they pose as review sites but in reality are actually marketers trying to convince you to buy a lottery method which will be linked to them in some way. The review site in question has been tricking people for many years to buy into the lottery methods that he says works, and they all make him commissions when you buy it. Credibility at one time was high for the site, now it is very low as the owner was caught lying to people to put money into his pockets. He has very poor opinions of some every good lottery methods and will even refuse your good review stating it does not agree with his review WTF? Now i find out the system he told me to buy created by a professor was really his system (Win Lotto Systems) even click bank banned the system for being a total scam. Never trust that review site it is only a front, all his review are geared to better him.
Answer: I would also have to say the review place is a neat little scam site.
Answer: At first glance the review site seemed honest, later found out it is not an honest review site