Legacy Business Leaders, LLC

Legacy Business Leaders, LLC

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Great Business Coach
September 15, 2018

Fred takes complex challenges and frames them in an understandable and digestible way. His clear and logical language provides a great spring board for promoting thought and action for one's own business. He has been there, he is well read, and he is professional. All of what he brings to the table are real takeaways that can easily be turned into actionable steps for improving your business.

Date of experience: September 14, 2018
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Fred Reikowsky is the owner of Legacy Business Leaders LLC in Ohio and helps numerous business owners and managers through business coaching, strategic planning, organizational development and succession planning. With 33 years of small business experience both in the U.S. and in the Middle East, Fred and his team are prepared to help you take your business to the next level. There's never a better time for coaching and building a remarkable business than now.

Address: 4580 Stephen Cir. NW Suite 201
Canton, OH *****

Date of experience: March 12, 2014