The title is enough read. Support Grocery Outlet (Franchisee) Kia Patterson of Compton, California. I am pretty sure if you have a product and or have a semi truck with dry van or reefer then its easy business from your business to hers. Its all about economics(macro to micro), brand, supply and demand. I had to review this piece cause Los Angeles, Cali is always popping.
Strategy: Contact her via email to see if my dhhs/dhec and dept of agriculture certified product (there is a difference between retail and wholesale) can be supplied to her store with my own advertisment and marketing like an End-Cap. I use to work at Walmart part time years ago as a second job (cause im always working and educating my Self cause it is real..ain't no hand outs and i ain't begging for none either cause i shouldn't have to when i have a brain and young body with the will to do) just like i use to "moonlight" while in the military around VA and DC as a security guard for a private company briefly so my GrandMutha on my Mutha side could survive..i worked for her existence so she could see us growup a few years more as every paycheck from that security job at the Skyline Condominiums went straight to her all for the love of the family Tree cause we gotta survive and i gives back to the ones who was there for me when i couldn't. I never forget where i came from... never. And so in Compton, California I'm hoping with a purchase of a extended van wrapped of my brand by the legit homie i know who paint and wrap vehicles.. that i can open the door for one supply and demand route. From an inspected warehouse which can be any dwelling as an open storage basically though large enough to hold my certified dhhs and or dept of agriculture product of quantities for temporary and permanent storage. Hopefully i can hit that target market at the door with a free giveaway for one week for either an hour until a 24 bottle case or until one 24 bottle case goes. All of the loss is calculated in my formula of total revenue. Who is going to give it out is calculated in the plan. When. Why. Where. The brand. The mission statement. Basically if it wasn't for this site a while back i would have never known about the historical grand opening in Compton, California cause i do not trust most news due to knowing what i know and seen and who be controlling the media. And all i can say is...if you conscious and educated then you understand my position on media twisting reality. Media is a double edge sword and if you are real out here then you have to be humble enough to overstand what is happening cause you really can't do noting about it but mind your own business and strive on. Evolution has not failed me yet coming from a business definition and from my family Tree spiritualness. Coming unknown like im suppose to with my circular chessboard and pieces in the mindset while on the move in the Rhythm. Stay positive and connected the business way by any means necessary. My positive thoughts exactly. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.