Kokka & Backus, PC

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$775 trademark filing package from a reliable IP attorney - Scott Kokka is a responsible and competent IP attorney in Silicon Valley. He offers a trademark service for $775 that covers all trademark costs and is good value for a small business looking to properly file a trademark. I have used Scott on multiple trademark filings and would highly recommend him. Although he is based in Northern California, I have been able to deal exclusively with him on the phone, so I imagine anyone based in the US (or even overseas) could use him.

Separately, if you are small business, I would highly recommend having an experienced attorney file your trademark for you. If there is ever a dispute over your trademark or you want to sell your company, you want to make sure your trademark was filed properly to begin with. The upfront fee is small relative to the trouble you could encounter later.

Date of experience: April 27, 2008